Could YOU Eat an Animal You Raised?

Could YOU Eat an Animal You Raised?

OH!  I could NEVER do that!

Things I could NEVER do. 

Some call this the UNBucket list.  

Here are 10 things I could never do:

  1. Sky dive.
  2. Bungee Jump.
  3. Have an affair.
  4. Wear stiletto heels…  I sprang the same ankle 3 times & I’m pretty sure if I attempted to wear 6-inch heels we would be at the emergency room for #4
  5. Post a picture of myself in a bikini on social anything.
  6. Get a tattoo.  I know it’s pretty cool these days & everyone is doing it.  I’m not judging, it’s just not me.  I can’t think of anything I want permanently plastered on my body.
  7. Do recreational drugs.
  8. Go to a nude beach – see #5.
  9. Run a marathon – see #4
  10. Attempt Natural childbirth.  Not that I’m planning on having any more children, but if I was to have a fluke pregnancy, you can bet that when I go into labor I’m gonna say, “yes” to everything the hospital offers me.   I take back #7…. I will gladly do drugs if I am in the process of giving birth & they are offered to me by my doctor.  Yes, please.

Sorry if you are disappointed in me.  Sorry if you like stilettos or tattoos.

The reason I even brought up my UnBucket list is because of a conversation I had recently.

I met a nice lady. She lives on a farm.  She raises chickens.  She is getting pigs.

I naturally put 2 and 2 together and assumed that her pigs were food.  After all, this is why God made pigs, right?

Well…. no… I learned pretty quickly (and abruptly) that her pigs are not food.

She responded to my assumption that she was bringing home a litter of piggies so she could eat bacon with shock and horror.


She went on to explain that she could never eat an animal she raised.  Not a chicken.  Not a pig.  Not a cow.  Definitely not a rabbit.  No way.  No animals she raised.

She was eating a cheeseburger, by the way.

As she learned the horrors of my lifestyle choice to raise my own food her face continued to devolve.

Really.  She looked at me like I was Dr. Kevorkian.

As the conversation continued my mind went sailing… I couldn’t help but think of all the animal-lovers who would NEVER eat an animal they raised…….

BUT they will happily purchase their pork chops in cute little plastic-wrapped packages from Costco.


If you know me – you either should leave or brace yourself because this just gets my goat.

She thought I was the cruel one.

She was confused and somewhat offended that someone could raise an animal, care for it, and then eat it.

Anyone who has raised animals for food knows that we are not mean.  On the contrary, we are probably providing the animals we raise with the best lives possible.


It really is loving, kind, compassionate, gentle and considerate to raise animals for food.  


Meat sold at supermarkets commercially live terrible lives.

Do these people ever even consider how the animal was raised that they are eating?

Do they know how it was treated?

Do they know the conditions of its death?

Do they know how the animal was handled, fed, killed and processed?

What about the conditions of it’s living quarters?  What about the sheer size (think tiny) of where it was housed?  Then there’s the number of animals that were crammed into those living quarters.  What else the animal was exposed to?  What about mortality?  How many of its roommates died because of living conditions?

Not to mention antibiotic-laced feed, hormones or drugs it may have been given to prevent infection (that often comes from cramped, less-than-ideal living situations and low quality diet).

Would they still want to eat it if they knew?

I realize that most people don’t give too much thought to how animals being raised for food are actually raised.  If you would like a glimpse….  go to google and type in CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation).  Then go to “images.”  Your eyes will be opened.  Poor poor animals.

Sidenote:  If you operate a CAFO with happy grazing animals who are not confined to buildings and concrete- great job.  Unfortunately, most CAFO’s are not places I would want to live (or work).

Every time we buy food we are voting.

When we buy the commercially raised meat we are voting to put another pig in a concrete building and feed it corn.

When we buy pastured meats or free-range eggs we are voting for free animals.

I don’t think it’s cruel to raise your own meat.  

Those of us who do are loving, kind and care about the quality of life of our animals.  We care that they die a humane death.

This equates to not only, happy animals but some of the healthiest meat one can eat.  Animals who are raised on pasture in the sunshine cannot even be compared nutritionally to their CAFO ( and feedlot) counterparts.

People who eat pastured meats have diets higher in good fats not to mention CLA  (conjugated linoleic acid) – which is a miracle food.  Just a few of the benefits of eating pastured meat and dairy include:  Lower risk of diabetes, cancer,  heart disease (source),  Lower (bad) cholesterol,  Improved metabolism (increased levels of fat burning) and Healthier immune systems.

It’s not just your health that is improved if animals are raised in pastures.  The animals are healthier, the farmers (taking care of the animals) are healthier and the meat is better for the consumers who eat the animal.

It is a win-win.  Everyone benefits when animals are free.

Still not sure?

It is emotional to say goodbye.  Some animals are harder to part with than others.  I can tell you that it gets easier.  The more years we have spent raising our food, the easier ‘D’ day is.  Sometimes there is still a special critter who steals the attention of the farm and my heart.  Those are the hardest to part with.  Even though it’s sometimes sad, I have never (yet) decided to keep a member of the livestock as a pet.  When it comes time to move to freezer-camp I am usually ready.

Animals who are raised on small farms or homesteads typically have a fantastic life and one bad day.

If the processing day has you intimidated, you can always find a butcher to do the hard part for you.  It is not as hard to deliver and pick him or her up a few weeks later.

For more on Healthy Meat:

What do you think?  Do you think you could eat an animal you raised?

Leave your comment below!!


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26 Responses

  1. Bill Byars
    • Candi
  2. Cathy
    • Candi
  3. Matthew Pryor
    • Candi
  4. Anonymous
    • Candi
  5. Betty Williams
    • Candi
  6. jim johnson
    • Candi
  7. Coleen
    • Candi
  8. Andrea
    • Candi
  9. strivingacres
    • Candi
  10. raprettyman
    • CJ
  11. Karen Lehman Kelley
    • CJ
  12. Kae
    • CJ
  13. William
    • CJ

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