Birthday Girl is in the House!

Birthday Girl is in the House!

My oldest daughter is 14 TODAY!

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Which is impossible because I swear I should still be 3 years old.

I don’t know how time does this.

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She used to be a little, tiny, happy thing!

When she was a baby she looked like a little Buddha, and she smiled so much that DH thought she was going to break her face.

Then she grew.

She is a HUGE animal lover and always has been.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a duck or a 2000 pound bull – she loves it. 
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Have I mentioned she’s hilarious?

She is the cure for writer’s block.

dancing Collage

Some of the funniest stories on my blog came directly from this child.  If you want to chuckle here’s some laughs courtesy of my oldest daughter:

She’s more fun than you know what to do with.  If there’s miserable job that must be done you will want this child to help.  Not only will she work hard, she will have you laughing through it all.

She and I have a saying,

“If there’s no food and it’s not gonna be fun we’re not coming.”

No food?  Not fun?  Not coming.

Of course, we are kidding.  We’ll come – but it would be more fun if you serve food.
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She plays guitar, piano and sings a little when no one else will do it.

She milks a cow with me every morning.  She cooks dinner for our family every Wednesday.  She loves her sister and her 2 brothers.  She’s a hard worker and a music lover.

She is a blessing to our family and everyone who knows her. 
shelby & me

Happy Birthday Sweetie!

Mommy loves you!



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