Howdy! I’m Candi. First, I am a born-again believer in Jesus Christ. Second, I am wife to Mark. Third, I am a mommy.
I am a college graduate.
I used to be a certified teacher. I guess I could get my certification renewed if I wanted, but I don’t.
I had a 7 year career in the IT Communications world before I fell off the face of the earth to be a mom.
I had 4 babies in about 6 years and watched Sesame Street for approximately 10 years straight.
Side note: I would have had 4 more babies, be pregnant now and still watching Sesame Street if I had my way. I love nothing more than being a mom.
In 2008 we bought 23 (just under 24, actually) acres of land in Kentucky, built a house on it & moved to it.
In 2011 my husband quit his job an opened his own business. Some people would say that my husband and I opened the business. I would say I am sleeping with the owner. To see our business go here.
From 2009- the present I have learned more that I can mention. Some of those things include how to:
- pull ticks of children, dogs, cows, and myself without passing out.
not scream and run every time something comes buzzing around my head.
cook venison so it is something you would want to eat.
milk a cow by hand.
kill vegetables in the garden.
kill more vegetables in the garden.
Ride a 4-wheeler.
Shoot a pistol.
shoot a shot gun.
shoot a revolver.
shoot a rifle.
Shoot a muzzle-loader.
Know the difference between a pistol, shotgun, revolver, rifle and muzzle-loader.
And sooooo much more!
Come join me and learn the old fashioned ways of life – (here).
That’s pretty much a quick summary of me. I’m just an average girl. I want to live more authentically. I want to eat more healthy. And I want to raise my children in truth.