The Crew- Meet the Kiddos!

The Crew- Meet the Kiddos!

Meet the kids!

This is my baby.  He loves his camo 4-wheeler.  He has more energy than the average kindergarten class.  He is a born outdoors-man.  Hunting, fishing, hiking, archery, 4-wheeling, camping, anything outside comes natural to him.  He needs the outdoors. He adores being outdoors.  On days when the weather keeps this child stuck in the house, the rest of us want to move out.

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Here is my youngest daughter.  She is a bouncy, bubbly, joyful, ball of happiness.  She cheers me up when my garden has been eaten up by squash bugs.  She can make me smile even though my cow has mastitis.

Apparently, her happiness is contagious because this girl regularly receives unsolicited handouts. She gets free stuff all the time.  Everywhere.  The fruit market, the local convenient store, even at the Apple Festival.  I have 4 kids.   Only this one gets the free stuff.


Meet my oldest daughter.  She is a natural with animals and is obsessed with cows.  Her life is full of them. Her day revolves around them.   Her room is dripping with them.

She is loves anything creative, cooks better than most grown-ups and her room is always spotless.  Not one thing out of place.  Ever.


This is my oldest child.  He knows how to hunt, fish, mow grass, edge, use a leaf blower, raise chickens, process his own meat and even bake cookies.  When it comes to technology this child can fix it, set it up, repair it, or figure it out.

He is strong, smart and always willing to help.

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My kids are fun, they are hard workers and life is better because of them.

