Birthday Girl!  My Little Girl is 14!

Birthday Girl! My Little Girl is 14!

I have 4 children.

2 boys and 2 girls.  I have always said that I got exactly what I ordered.

The order goes like this:

  • Boy
  • Girl
  • Girl
  • Boy

My oldest is 18 years old and in college now.  My youngest is 11 and never stops talking to me.

The girls are right in the middle.

My youngest daughter who we call AK is 14 years old.  Which is amazing and wonderful.

For some reason, the girls in this house have the ability to rattle windows with our everyday normal noise level.

I have always been pretty outspoken and jovial.  My daughters are about the same (maybe worse).

When DH and I first began our marriage he had a love-hate relationship with my boisterousness.  He must have been somewhat attracted to it because he married me, but he also (obviously) wanted me to put a lid on it because he wasn’t afraid to shush me.


We’d be at a restaurant, having a marvelous dinner, chatting away.  Well, I’d be chatting away.  And as the story goes along, I tend to get more carried away.  And the more carried away I get, the louder I get.  If you happen to get me laughing, it can get even more extreme.

I am magnificent at being loud.

If you would like to command the attention of a room – I’m your girl.

So, we’d be sipping an adult beverage, I’d be sharing a great story and suddenly, DH would, “Shhhhh” me.

The nerve.

I would promptly decide that I wasn’t speaking for the rest of the night.  If quiet is what he wanted, then he could enjoy his Guinness in silence.

Did I mention that I’m spunky too?

So, I have clearly given my daughters 2 distinct traits:

  1.  The gift of volume
  2. Huge hair

One afternoon we had friends over to visit.  My daughters were doing dishes, eating snacks and moving about the house.  As they transpired through their activities, they never stopped talking, laughing, and screeching.

One of the guests looked at DH and said,  “Are they always this loud?”

DH said,

“Yes… it drives me crazy.”

You’re welcome, Honey!

My 14-year-old has my lungs, my hair, and her very own personality.  She’s beautiful.  She’s funny.  She’s an amazing writer, a budding artist, and an exceptional student.

Happy Birthday, AK!  Mommy loves you!




2 Responses

  1. Daniel Pruitt
    • CJ

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