Would you like to know the BEST way to eat?

The answer may surprise you.

The best way to eat is different for everyone.

I don’t believe that there is a perfect, “One-Size-Fits-All” eating program.

We are all individuals.

AND there are so many fantastic approaches to healthy living.

Whether you love whole grains or avoid them entirely.  Low-carb or South Beach.  Vegan or Vegetarian.  Clean eating or whole foods.  Raw food or real food.

There are so many different roads to a healthy life.  And there are so many different people with different backgrounds, desires, and appetites.

I believe you could follow one of many eating programs to achieve lasting health.

The real question is probably…

Which Eating Lifestyle is right for you?

I can get really excited about just about any healthy eating lifestyle, but there are very few I could eat for life.

And this should be our goal.

Get on a plan we can maintain for life.


(long term)

This is where we get into trouble.  I have some friends who are very dear to me and I have watched them loose and re-gain the same 20 pounds (or more) 7 times over the past decade.

The problem – they diet and then they go back to eating their normal way.

Nothing permanently changes.

Healthy Living

In order to maintain weight loss and hold health for a lifetime, we must spend a lifetime putting good things into our bodies.

There is no “quick-fix” or fad that will yield lasting results.


Fad diets and extremely limiting diets just aren’t realistic long-term.  Not only is it difficult to maintain while eating away from home, but it is also just plain hard to say no to everything deemed “not allowed”  for….. ever.

I mean, come on.  If I want a cookie, I want to have a cookie.  If it’s Christmas, I want pie.  If it’s Thanksgiving, I want everything.  

I think a juice fast, a Whole30, or going on KETO for a few weeks to jumpstart an eating lifestyle change is fine.  I have done my share of diet experiments and think some of them can be a terrific way to lose a few pounds quickly.

HOWEVER, extreme plans that eliminate food groups and drastically restrict food options (or calories or carbs) are typically not the best solution for a lifetime of healthy eating (in fact, some doctors call the KETO diet the heart-disease diet).

There are other reasons to subscribe to an eating philosophy, other than weight loss.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’d love to be a few pounds slimmer, however, my approach to feeding my body is not about weight.

The food I put into my body is well-considered and it is either deemed worthy of nutrition, or worth of splurge.

What do You Eat?  

What is your go-to method of eating?  How do you determine what you will or will not eat?  What are your criteria when you decide what is for dinner?

What do you do when your dear husband announces that he is driving through McDonalds for breakfast on the way home from a long trip?

I have found that there is a way to approach food that is healthy, fulfilling, amazingly nutritious and delicious.

I never feel deprived or starved.

And I can even eat breakfast at McDonalds without dying (egg McMuffin without the muffin and a large coffee- in case you were wondering).  I know it’s not organic.  It’s not health food.  But an egg cooked by Mickey D’s and a slice of Canadian bacon is something I am willing to eat every once in a while.

My rule of thumb:  I eat anything I want – as long as it is REAL FOOD.

And it’s wonderful.


It is called THE FARMER’S DIET and it really does allow you to eat with abandon, enjoy everything and fill you up with deeply nourishing foods.

Sweet potatoes, creamed asparagus, roasted Brussels sprouts, grass-fed pot roast, grilled steaks, juicy burgers, soft homemade bread – it is all free for the eating…

As long as it is real food, whole food, unadulterated, unprocessed, unpasteurized. 

I eat real.  I eat clean.  I eat whole foods.

This way of eating is called “THE FARMER’S DIET” because this is how I found it.


As I spent 14 weeks (101 days) growing all of my food, I found a style of eating that was perfectly satisfying, crave-worthy and calorie burning.

Hunting, raising livestock, and fishing provided all the meat & fish.  The chickens gave us eggs.  We picked hickory nuts, made maple syrup and foraged for berries.  We grew all our herbs, roots, fruits and vegetables.  The pigs provided the lard for baking and frying.  The jersey cows gave us all of our dairy.

We milled our own flour and ate only baked goods from our kitchen.

This Farmer’s Way of Eating was completely satisfying and quite indulgent.

It is fairly Paleo compliant with the addition of fresh-milled, whole grains and raw dairy.

A good creed to live by,  “If it was made by a factory or a company – don’t eat it.”

Farms don’t make processed foods, carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners or vegetable oils.

As a gal who tries to grow most of her food – I have learned that food is a gift.  It is meant to be enjoyed.  None of it is bad.  God created it to bless us and for our enjoyment.  Even sugar.

If you want to have dessert – have dessert.  Just use fresh milled flour, farm eggs, raw butter and cane (or maple) sugar.  It will be dessert – but it will be good.

You can do this too.  

And you don’t need a farm to do it.

Already a Member?

Here are some of the most popular resources on the Membership Site:

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I can walk you through the ropes.  I can show you what real food is.  Teach you to make your own healthy bread.  And even give you meal plans that will fill your family with healthy dinners that are simple to get on the table AND make them smile.

I’ve been building the Membership site since August of 2017 and inside are hundreds of articles on eating healthy and hundreds of fresh recipes that will make you fall in love with real food.

There are videos on home-bread making, outlines on what to eat and it all starts with the 3 STEP Plan that will be sent directly to your inbox the day you join.

As soon as you join the Membership Community you will have access to all the articles, recipes, eBooks and videos.  It is such a tremendous value.

What are you waiting for?  A healthier you can start today!  




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