She.  Is.  Red.

She. Is. Red.

Our youngest daughter is 15 years old!

The typical birth order:

  • The oldest is the responsible one.
  • The second born is the middle child.
  • The third one is the one you’d want to be friends with in college.

With our crew, the first two were very close together.  A boy then little sis.  They both think and act like they are the firstborn in the family (this often happens when you have 2 children a year apart [especially if they are the opposite sex])

My oldest daughter refers to herself as “the second first-born child.”

This did not stop the 3rd born from fulfilling her destiny as “the one you’d want to be friends with in college.”

She is a blast.  She is an easy laugh.  She is always up for an adventure.

And now she is 15!!

What a precious gift she is.

When she came home from the hospital, her big sis (who was 2 at the time) thought I had produced a real-live baby doll for HER.

Love is not the word.

I spent the first year of her life making sure her two-year-old sister didn’t kill her.

She was born with blonde hair and has been platinum ever since. That sweet, yellow baby-hair all fell out and she was bald until she was 3.

Well, not entirely bald.

She was diligently trying to grow hair, the problem was that the hair she was making was white. It was cotton candy. It was light, fluffy and as pure as snow.

When her hair finally made its appearance it showed up with vengeance.

No child has ever had as much hair as this girl.

Because of the sheer amount, not to mention the color of her natural hair, she gets comments about her locks wherever she goes.

This is how the conversation typically goes:

Strange Admirer: You have the most beautiful hair!

My daughter: Thanks. I made it myself.

Which is not entirely true. Being her mother, I sometimes take credit for her enormous amount of wavy locks.

But in reality, God did it.

Truthfully, she wants to cut it all off.  

She thinks it’s a pain.

She is not wrong. I have lived with the same volume of hair most of my life.

Some thoughts on thick hair-

  1. It is wet 90% of the time.
  2. If you would like to dry it, plant to spend 45 minutes holding a dryer.
  3. In summer it’s like wearing a fur coat.

Our family calls it ‘The Curse.’

Outsiders think the hair is great, but it’s a beast getting it to behave.

I think short hair is adorable, but when you have 20 pounds of hait, cutting it short is not necessarily a good idea.  I’m speaking from experience here. I have hit the limit with the hair-beast, and chopped all my hair off a time or two.  What I lost in length I immediately received in volume.  And it is not the good kind of volume that you see in the Pantene commercials.

This year for her birthday all she wanted was a big hair change.  She was trying to decide between cutting it all off or color.

After a thorough consultation with the expert at the hair salon, my cutie was convinced to keep her hair long.  But she decided she wanted to go red.  

I have secreted wanted to dye my hair red off and on form my entire life, but never had the guts.

I asked DH what he thought about our platinum blonde going red and he said, “Go fot it!”

And that’s what she did.

She is so happy with her red hair.

If you are in the natural camp and like the blonde best, do not fret.  The nice thing (or irritating depending on your goals) about red hair is that it doesn’t last.

This is about the third time this child has added red to her hair.  It always washes out.  Sometimes it lasts weeks.  The last time she went red it lasted a couple of months.

I am interested to see how long it lasts since it was professionally colored this go round.


Speaking of the professional color.  The poor, poor lady who helped my baby replace blonde with red had her work cut out for her.  She explained first that she would need to upcharge us because of the sheer amount of hair my child had.  Then she said we would need to pay for the color by the bowl (she ended up mixing 3 bowls of color before she finished).


But it is gorgeous!

Happy Birthday, Cutie!

Mommy loves you XXOO



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