Have I ever told you that I do windows?
I have painted the front windows of our Pawnshop several times over the years.
I have painted reindeer.
I have painted Snowmen.
I have painted Snowflakes.
I have painted Merry Christmas across the windows.
I have painted Christmas Trees.
That was the year a bird tried to land in this PAINTED Christmas tree (yes, the one pictured above). He slammed against the window , bounced off and landed dead on the sidewalk. We all thought we had been shot.
Poor, stupid bird.
The last time I painted the windows I painted some cute reindeer.
By far, the year I covered the windows with reindeer we got the biggest response.
Since we live in deer country, and it is hunting season, and everyone over the age of 8 hunts around these parts – deer are popular.
This year, I painted some more.
They are cute and invite everyone driving by to come see what’s inside.
If you are considering painting some windows here are some tips (from an amateur window painter):
- Start with clean windows.
- I use cheap acrylic paint from Walmart – it works great.
- Soft bristle brushes work best – you don’t want stiff ones.
- Design your art on paper first.
- Once your painting is finished, use a smaller (also soft) brush to outline your art in black. It will make it “pop.”
- Don’t stress out about cleaning the windows – the paint comes off a lot easier and quicker than it goes on (just get a scraper or razor and you’ll get the paint off in no time).
Don’t worry of your art isn’t perfect. From the street it will still look festive.
We don’t say “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings” or “Merry Everything.”
We say Merry Christmas!
Painting windows is a great way to grab attention from passer-by’s who may not even know you exist. Hopefully folks will glance over, see the art and you’ll make a new customer or a new friend!
If you happen to be in LsGrange, KY – come see us! Our shop is 5 Star Pawn. 🙂
To get old fashioned stories, tips and advice be sure to subscribe via email (here).
Merry Christmas!