Mint Chocolate-Chip Ice Cream

Mint Chocolate-Chip Ice Cream

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice-Cream.

I love ice-cream.  My favorite flavor (like most Americans) is vanilla.

One of the benefits of having a milk cow is the milk and the butter and the butter-milk and the cheese and the cream and the sour-cream and the whip-cream AND the ICE-CREAM.  JOY!

All of these dairy products will be nutritional power-houses when they are made with fresh, raw milk- fully equipped with:  omega-3 fats, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid – the cancer fighting wonder fat).

Oh the joy of cow ownership!

There’s only 5 Ingredients in my homemade ice-cream:

  1. Cream
  2. Milk
  3. Egg yolks
  4. Cane Sugar
  5. Vanilla

Here is the recipe for my perfect, best, vanilla ice-cream EVER:

Vanilla Ice-Cream (5 Quart Recipe)

  • 3 Cups Cream
  • 3 Cups Skimmed milk
  • 3 Cups sugar
  • 4 Tbsp vanilla extract
  • 8 eggs yolks
  • 6 More Cups Cream

To make it:  Heat 3 cups cream, 3 cups milk, 3 cups sugar and 4 tbsp vanilla.  Whisk egg yolks & temper.  Add egg yolks to milk mixture.   Cook on medium until thickens.  After thick, place in churning canister and add 6 cups cream.  Chill & churn with ice-cream machine as directed.  For the detailed step-by-step directions go here.

ice cream 4

This recipe makes 5 quarts of vanilla ice-cream.  That’s a lot of ice-cream.  

If you:

  • don’t have an ice-cream churn that can hold 5 quarts
  • don’t have 8 eggs
  • don’t have 9 cups of cream or
  • don’t need 5 quarts of ice-cream

You can easily cut this recipe in half.  

mint 2

After you finish churning your vanilla ice-cream it is a cinch to turn it into spectacular, mint, chocolate-chip ice-cream.

To transform plain vanilla ice-cream into mint-chocolate chip ice-cream all you have to do is add crushed mints and mini-chocolate chips.

That’s it.  It will be the most out-standing mint-chocolate chip ice-cream you have ever eaten.

Where this recipe triumphs and others break down:

the crushed peppermints

mint 3

My recipe uses crushed peppermints.  I have made other mint chocolate-chip, ice-cream impostors before that included “mint extract.”  Do not make this mistake.

You will end up with 5 quarts of precious, hard-earned ice-cream you slaved over all morning that tastes like toothpaste.

Toothpaste flavored ice-cream is not pleasant.  It is not what I want.  It’s not what my kids want.


To prevent the outcome of toothpaste ice-cream you must use peppermints.  The kind Santa brings.

You can use the round dinner mints or the candy canes.  Either is perfect.  They just have to be “peppermint” flavored.  Did you know that Santa is giving out fruit flavored candy canes these days?  Fruit flavored candy canes are just wrong.

The easiest way to “crush” peppermints is with a food processor.  I have used a rolling pin.  It’s messy and doesn’t really get the peppermints into small enough pieces.  A food processor will turn a candy cane into powder in 30 seconds.  This is what you want:  powdered candy cane.

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Add the crushed peppermints (2 cups)  and the mini-chocolate chips (2 cups).  To your vanilla ice-cream (5 quart recipe). mint 5

Put the lid back on your ice-cream machine and let it twirl.   mint 6

Yes, it’s perfect!  Yes, it’s minty!  Yes, it’s mint, chocolate-chip ice-cream, straight from your own farm and kitchen. 

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Print Recipe
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Perfect Peppermint & mini chocolate chips swirled into a creamy vanilla base ice cream. Whether you use raw milk or store bought - it is fabulous. The ice cream is creamy and scoopable, just like it's supposed to be. This makes a lot of ice cream - it can easily be cut in half.
Course Dessert
Cuisine Dessert, ice cream
Vanilla Ice Cream Base
Mint Chocolate Chip
Course Dessert
Cuisine Dessert, ice cream
Vanilla Ice Cream Base
Mint Chocolate Chip
Recipe Notes

Heat 3 cups cream, 3 cups milk, 3 cups sugar and 4 tbsp vanilla in sauce pan on stove top.  Whisk egg yolks & temper.  Add egg yolks to milk mixture.  Cook on medium until thickens.  After thick, place in churning canister and add 6 cups cream.

Chill in refrigerator 4 hours (or overnight) & churn with ice-cream machine as directed.   For detailed step-by-step directions go here.

After vanilla ice cream has been churned in ice cream maker, add chocolate chips & crushed peppermint.  Churn just until combined.  Do not over churn or you will make butter.  🙂

Move into storage containers & freeze.

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