Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Perfect Peppermint & mini chocolate chips swirled into a creamy vanilla base ice cream. Whether you use raw milk or store bought – it is fabulous. The ice cream is creamy and scoopable, just like it’s supposed to be. This makes a lot of ice cream – it can easily be cut in half.
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Perfect Peppermint & mini chocolate chips swirled into a creamy vanilla base ice cream. Whether you use raw milk or store bought – it is fabulous. The ice cream is creamy and scoopable, just like it’s supposed to be. This makes a lot of ice cream – it can easily be cut in half.
Vanilla Ice Cream Base
Mint Chocolate Chip
Recipe Notes

Heat 3 cups cream, 3 cups milk, 3 cups sugar and 4 tbsp vanilla in sauce pan on stove top.  Whisk egg yolks & temper.  Add egg yolks to milk mixture.  Cook on medium until thickens.  After thick, place in churning canister and add 6 cups cream.

Chill in refrigerator 4 hours (or overnight) & churn with ice-cream machine as directed.   For detailed step-by-step directions go here.

After vanilla ice cream has been churned in ice cream maker, add chocolate chips & crushed peppermint.  Churn just until combined.  Do not over churn or you will make butter.  🙂

Move into storage containers & freeze.