He is 17 Years Old!!!!!

He is 17 Years Old!!!!!

How on earth did I become a mother of a 17 year old?

Last summer at the beach

It’s crippling me to think that this guy is just a year or two away from leaving me.

I know, he’s not leaving me – he’s going to move out, go to school – become his own person –


All I ever wanted to be when I grew up was a mom.

That’s it.

No big dreams.  No big aspirations.  No huge goals.

When he was just a little guy

I wanted to raise babies.  And I have.  And it is a glorious life’s work if you ask me.

I can’t imagine pouring myself into anything more important than the 4 little people who live under this roof.  To arm them.  To challenge them.  To teach them.  To encourage them.  To equip them. And of course, to love them.

I take my mommy-job seriously and always have.

They are growing like weeds and it is devastating to think that in a few years they will all be moving out and doing all sorts of independent, wonderful things.

What am I going to do when all my children leave?

Uuuuuh – cry.

Anyhow – it’s My oldest child’s Birthday and we are celebrating him today!!!

He is the first born so of course he’s

  • Responsible
  • Dependable
  • Reliable
  • Trustworthy
  • Honest

He also has a quick wit and the perfect commentary for general life.  He makes me laugh all the time.

Last week it started raining while he was mowing 🙂

Oh – if I can just take a second and boast on this amazing boy – he is the poster child for homeschooling.


  • The dude has wanted to be a dentist since he was 12 years old.
  • He finished high school in less than 2 years (when 13 & 14 years old).
  • He began earning college credit at age 15.
  • He started taking classes at our local State University (University of Louisville) this January (16 years old).  He just finished his first semester & did fantastic in all his classes.
  • When he started at U of L he had 60 hours of credits completed – In order to get into his preferred Dental School he has to receive his last 60 hours (all the upper level science classes & labs) from a 4 year university.
  • With his first semester at the university under his belt he has 72 credit hours (I think) and 3 more semesters to go!
  • He is on track to be graduating from college with a BS in Biology around the time his peers (the same age) are graduating from high school.

Yay Homeschooling!

Will my little guy be a dentist someday?  I certainly think he can do it.  I want my kids to dream HUGE and go after it.  I want them to live for others and to the glory of God.  I want them to soar, make an impact and love like crazy.

They may be growing up and leaving – but I am a proud mama!

Roller skating with mom

This guy makes me laugh, brings tears to my eyes, is the giver of the best hugs, baker of the best cookies and has my heart.

Time to bake an apple pie!  No cakes for this guy – he wants mama’s apple pie with vanilla ice-cream for his birthday cake.

I love you, Buddy!

Happy 17th Birthday!




7 Responses

  1. Daniel Pruitt
    • Candi
  2. cszmagno
  3. Christina
    • Candi
      • Christina

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