Beef Bone-Broth & Bible

Beef Bone-Broth & Bible

How to Make Beef Bone Broth.

bone broth

My daughters wanted me to call this post:

“Bone Broth and Sunday School.”

I also considered:

  • “Don’t Take the Field Trip”
  • “Life’s Field Trips”
  • “How to Make Bone Broth”
  • “Say ‘Yes’ To Your Butcher”
  • and  “Get the Most Bang for Your Buck at The Butcher”

Confused?  Keep reading……….

I speak from experience here.

I always tell my children,  “You can listen or you can take the field trip.”

As Christians we believe that the Bible is God’s Word.  It answers all the big questions in life.  Why am I here?  Where did I come from?  What happens when I die?  How do I get to heaven?

The Bible also tell us how to live.  We do what the Bible says not because we “feel” like it, or because we “want” to, or “because we think it will make God happy.”  We obey the Bible because it is right.

This brings me back to the advice,  “You can listen or you can take the field trip.”  God is so good.  He gave us His Word so we would know how to live a great, productive life,  but sometimes, we may not know what God’s Word says or what we should do.  And other times we know what we should do, but we don’t.  This is when the field trips come in.

Beth Moore, Women’s Bible Study leader, once said “God is willing to teach us as gently as we are willing to learn.”  I have found that to be especially true.  Unfortunately, I come from a long line of hard-heads and have been on more than my share of field trips.  It’s no fun.

Some field trips I have been on:

  • Keep the poop bucket behind the cow – always.
  • Have a spare poop bucket handy for when the first one is full.
  • Be sure to tie the cow up before milking her.  Unless you want the cow to knock over walls and undo the plumbing, while visiting the “no cows allowed” side of the barn.  Good luck getting her out of there by the way.
  • Wear steel-toed boots around the cow.  Not flip-flops.  Never flip-flops.  Ever.  I had a purple swollen foot for a month because I went on this field trip.
  • Listen to your husband…… he’s always right.  Always.  Dang it.
  • Check the air in the tires BEFORE you haul 700 lbs of hay (or you’ll shred $100 in tires).
  • Don’t talk.  Keep you mouth shut.  Stop talking.  I can’t even begin to tell you how many times have I “talked” myself into a nightmare that I thought would never end.   If I could just shut-up I would save myself a boatload of grief.

So don’t be like me.  Take advice.  Do what the older, wiser, well-meaning individuals tell you to do.  Skip the field trip.

I am not trying to boss you around….

But……. When your butcher asks you bizarre and disgusting questions………  just say “Yes!”  You can figure out later what you are going to do with all the animal parts.  For now, just say, “Yes.”

“Do you want the heart?”


“Do you want the Liver?”



“Do you want the fat?”


“Do you want the tail?”


“Do you want the bones?”


The meat processing place we use figures the cost of their services by the weight of the animal “on the hoof.”  This means, what the cow, pig, deer, or whatever weighs when it walks onto the scale – alive.

It is a very reasonable price and it is a flat fee.  Ground beef, burgers, roasts, ribs, etc.  It doesn’t matter.  There is no extra charge.  The cost is based on what the animal weighs.  Whether I keep the heart, liver, fat or bones it is the same price. Whether I want burgers in 2 lb packages, or made into patties it is the same price.  Whether I keep the fat or not it is the same price.

So, please get the most bang for you buck.  If your butcher is like mine, there is no extra charge to take your entire animal home – so please take it.  If you decide you don’t want to eat liver, heart, ox tail, or use the bones – you could make someone’s day by giving it to them.

Today I am going to show you why you want all those wonderful bones.

Today, we are discussing beef bone-broth.


I have several freezers.  One of them is over 1/2 filled with bones.  It is well-known how incredibly good for you bone broth is.  I believe there are probably many more benefits we don’t even know.  Bone broth is easy to make and is a powerhouse of nutrition.  It is healing, life-giving and nutrient-rich.


These are bones from our steer we had processed last summer.  Before we toss these into a pot to simmer for hours, I am going to roast them in the oven.  This will produce a irresistible rich, savory flavor to the bone broth.  If you skip roasting the bones your broth will be just as nutritious, but it will be bitter and have an aftertaste.

Spread them on a baking sheet, drizzle them with olive oil, sprinkle them with some Lowry’s and bake at 425.


While I am waiting for the bones to roast, I’m going to get everything else into the pot.


First, fill the pot with 2 1/2 gallons filtered water, & 3 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar.


Next, add celery, onions, garlic, and carrots.


Chop up all the veggies & slide them into the pot.  It is not necessary to dice your veggies this small.  I was making a beef vegetable soup, so I wanted my veggies in little bite-sized pieces.  If you are just going for bone-broth – do a quick, 10 second, chop on those veggies.  Leave on the peels, tops, and all.  Just chop’em and drop’em in the pot.


Here are the bones after roasting for an hour in a 425 oven.  Right now all my children are showing up from all areas of the home asking what I am cooking.  It smells wonderful in here!


Last, add the roasted beef bones to the pot with the veggies, water, and vinegar.

See all that marrow inside the bone?  By simmering these in our pot 2 days, we will get all that marrow out of the bones and into the broth.  So good for you!


All the drippings from those bones are going into the pot.  I don’t want to waste an ounce if flavor or goodness.

You can add seasoning now if you like to season your bone-broth.  I like to add real salt, pepper, celery salt, and Lawry’s.  After the first hour of simmering, any icky stuff will appear at the top of the pot in the form of foam.  Skim off the foam with a slotted spoon and discard.


Simmer for 20-48 hours and enjoy!  You can literally cook this as long as you want.  2 days is recommended for beef bone broth to capture all the vitamins and minerals out of the bones.  I typically simmer it 10 hours, refrigerate it overnight & simmer it again for 10+ hours on day 2.


I freeze my bone broth so I can grab some whenever I want soup, stew, or need some broth to cook veggies, stuffing, or whatever else is going on in the kitchen.  There is always a use for bone broth, and never enough of it on hand.  It is a super-food and I sneak it into any meal I can.


You have a lot of options when making bone broth.  With veggies, or without.  With seasoning, or without.  Do whatever your family loves.  You really can’t go wrong!



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Print Recipe
Beef Bone Broth
This is a rich, nutritions bone broth made from beef bones. It is full flavored and can be used for: soups, sauces, gravies, cooking vegetables and drinking straight! This recipe makes a lot and it freezes beautifully.
Course Main Dish
Cuisine Soups & Broths
Course Main Dish
Cuisine Soups & Broths
Recipe Notes

Place bones on baking sheet, drizzle with Olive oil, sprinkle with Lawry’s & bake 425 for 1 hour.

Put roasted bones, chopped onions, celery, carrots, and garlic into pot.  Fill with filtered water (about 2 gallons).  Add vinegar.  Add Lawry’s, celery salt, real salt and pepper.

After 1 hour skim off foam. This can be enjoyed after cooking 4-6 hours.  For the healthiest bone broth, simmer for 20-48 hours.  The longer the broth simmers the more nutrients and minerals you will have in your broth.


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