Month: July 2016

Horn Tipping

When the Horns Come Off We bought the most beautiful cow.  Her name is Trinka and she came fully equipped with gorgeous …

Plan a Fall Garden

Plan a Fall Garden Regardless of how your summer garden is going you can still put bushels of food in your pantry …

How to Train a Cow

How to train a cow to be your family milk cow Squeal! This is sooooooooo my department.  I love working with cattle. …

Pizza Sauce Recipe

Making & Canning Homemade Pizza Sauce This pizza sauce is simple, smooth, spreadable and not complicated. Ingredients: Tomatoes Onions & Garlic Olive Oil …

Peach Sorbet Recipe

Peach Sorbet   If you are in the middle of peach-season, like me, here is another great way to eat and preserve peaches. …

Pan Fried Doughnut Recipe

Pan Fried Doughnuts. This yeast dough is perfectly versatile.  Once you make a batch you can make pizza crust, rolls, slider buns ANNNNND …

Peach Chutney Recipe

How to Make Your Own Chutney Peach Chutney is one of my favorite ways to use peaches. This chutney recipe and instructions can …