Are You Eating the Right Fats?

Are You Eating the Right Fats?


Fat does not make you fat.

In fact, we all need fat in our diets.  Without it, our bodies will suffer. Fat is essential to give our bodies energy and support cell growth.  Fat also protects our organs, helps us absorb nutrients, and regulates hormone production.  Heck, fat even keeps us warm in the winter!

You need fat and so do I.

Not all fats are equal.  Some are deliciously healthy and others are dreadfully toxic.

Here’s my 2 sentence summary about FAT after consuming 5 books & 80 articles


Natural fats from healthy sources [grass-fed meat, grass-fed dairy, fruit, nuts, seeds] are extremely good for you.


Fats that are manufactured/ processed/ hydrogenized/ refined are most likely unhealthy.

  • Fats that come from nature are good
  • Fats that are made in labs are bad
  • Fats in naturally raised, grass-fed meats are good
  • Fats in commercially raised, corn-fed meats are bad
  • Raw- Grass-fed milk and dairy products are good
  • Refined & processed oils are bad
  • Cold-pressed and unrefined oils are good

God did not make foods to be bad for us.  He created them good.

We are the ones messing things up. 


Fats come from many sources including nuts, seeds, fruit, and animals.


We should add fats to every meal.  This will not only add flavor to our dishes, healthy fats are also an important part of our diet.  Consuming the right fats will keep us slimmer, provide the much needed CLA and Omega-3’s, and satisfy our appetites while eating, as well as between meals.

Let us dive a little deeper into WHERE we can find some excellent fats, beginning with (in my opinion) the mother of all fats.


It is true, healthy fats come from a variety of sources which can include fruit (like avocado oil), seeds (like grapeseed oil), nuts (like almond oil), and of course animals.

Animal fats include all the fats that come from animals:

  • Raw dairy products are a wonderful, delicious source of high-quality fat.  This comes from milk, cream, cheese, and of course butter and ghee
  • Marbalization in Meat from grass-fed animals is also laced with excellent fats
  • And lastly, many superior cooking oils are sourced from animal fat (like lard, tallow, and even bacon grease)

Whether you are consuming animal fats in the form of dairy, meat, or rendered oils, these remain tremendously good for you when they are derived from pastured, grass-fed animals.


Cooking with animal fats simply rules when it comes to flavor.

It’s indisputable.


  • Many oils such as pure olive oil, have been stripped of the volatile fatty acids to make a neutral-tasting oil
  • Unrefined oils like extra-virgin olive oil lose flavor and aroma after a few minutes of cooking


  • When animal fats are exposed to heat, they oxidize to form new flavor compounds that actually improve flavor and make it taste more complex
  • Animal fats actually deepen the flavor of foods.

Not only do animal fats taste better, often they are the healthiest choice. Saturated fats (like raw butter, grass-fed tallow, and pastured lard) protect against depression, cancer, and other diseases.


Lard (fat from pigs) is one of the richest sources of vitamin D.  I was amazed one day listening to Alton Brown (GoodEats) explaining the unbelievability of the sheer amount of vitamin D that is found in lard from pigs who lived their lives outdoors.  Pigs have the ability to soak in vitamin D from the sun and literally pack it into their layer of fat like nothing else on earth.

When you eat lard you are consuming massive amounts of natural vitamin D (one tablespoon of lard from a pastured pig contains over 1,000 IU’s of vitamin D)!


Organic lard from pigs raised outdoors.

Real lard is rich in vitamin D and even contains CLA when the pigs are raised outside.  It is a healthy alternative to processed cooking oils.  Lard is stable at very high temperatures making it perfect for frying.

Organic Tallow

from pastured cows is absolutely a great fat to consume.  It can be added to ground venison and grass-fed (lean) burger when grinding to provide the fat we all love in a juicy burger!

Raw dairy

Raw dairy is one of the richest forms of CLA.  Let’s Go CLA!  What is CLA?  CLA is conjugated linoleic acid  This is a miracle fat that actually helps improve heart health and reduces belly fat.  It has proven itself as a cancer fighter in lab studies.

Whole milk

Recent studies show that whole milk products are helping people lose weight. Consuming full-fat dairy can help with weight control.  Additionally, vitamin A and vitamin D (both found in milk) cannot be absorbed without fat.  Skim milk does not have the fat content needed for your body to utilize the vitamins in it. Studies show consumption of whole milk is linked with lower risk of prostate cancer.  Likewise, those who consumed low-fat milk have higher prostate cancer rates (source). When you understand that whole milk is higher in fat, thus higher in CLA it makes sense.  To take out the fat would take out the cancer-fighting wonder-fat – CLA.

Raw Cheese

Homemade gouda cheese

Because cheese is a very, very condensed version of milk, it is no surprise that a slice of cheese contains the same amount of nutrition as a glass of milk. Cheese is high in protein and contains several vitamins, including high amounts of calcium. 


Wild-caught fish like salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, and herring are high in good Omega-3 fats. People who eat fish tend to be healthier, have a lower risk of depression, heart disease, dementia, and heart disease.

Fresh Eggs

Not long ago, people were throwing out egg yolks because they were so high in fat. We now know that the cholesterol in eggs does not affect the bad cholesterol in our bodies.  The fat in yolks is mostly monounsaturated, and a study at the University of Connecticut found that the overall fat profile in egg yolks ultimately helps to reduce LDL (“bad” cholesterol).

Did you know that a free-range egg is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet?  They are a nearly perfect food, containing almost every nutrient a human needs to exist.  I read a book to my children years ago about a missionary who arrived on his mission field with no money and just the clothes on his back.  He existed for months and months on one egg a day.  I think of this story every time I fry myself an egg for breakfast.


Not all of us have access to the glorious animal fats, especially the coveted pastured breeds.

If you happen to be in a drought while trying to find great animal fats, there is good news.

Healthy fats can be found outside animal products

Here is a quick look at some of the best fats you can eat and why:

Olive oil (cold-pressed)

Not only does olive oil boast the coveted Omega-3 Good fats, but it is also filled with powerful antioxidants that fight bad cholesterol and help with inflammation.  Just remember that olive oil has a low smoking point, making it unsuitable for temperatures above 250 degrees.

Avocados (and avocado oil)

Avocados are 77% fat! But they are good fat.  Avocados contain a monounsaturated fat called oleic (the same fat found in olive oil).  Smearing your morning toast with avocado instead of jelly will make you feel fuller and keep you satisfied for hours.  Studies even show that people who eat avocados tend to weigh less and have less fat around their waistline than those who don’t.

Coconut Oil (and coconuts)

Despite the recent claims against the benefits of coconut oil, the facts still remain that in places where coconut oil is consumed in high levels, there is little report of heart disease and people, in general, have excellent health. Coconut oil is linked to lowering belly fat, suppressing appetite, and increasing the amount of fat burned.


Nuts don’t just provide healthy fats. They also are full of vitamin E, fiber, and protein.  Nuts are a good plant source of good fats.

Seeds (sunflower, sesame & pumpkin)

Seeds are superfoods. Chia seeds are full of Omega-3 (good) fat, fiber and are loaded with minerals.

The next time you begin to feel guilty smearing your toast with butter, remember how good raw butter is for you!  Not only will that creamy delight not hurt you, it can reduce belly fat, increase vitamins (especially vitamin K), pack in the CLA (congelated loneic acid), provide omega-3’s, and taste better than any imitation!

