Super Simple Succotash

Super Simple Succotash

Super Simple Succotash

My family always called this “Okra Corn and Tomatoes.

It appears that the rest of the world calls it “Succotash.”

I do have “succotash” in my vocabulary, but it is comprised of onions, lima beans, corn, and a really sweet dressing.  Oh, and Aunt Peg serves her lima-bean succotash cold.  I’ve never liked it.

Sorry, Aunt Peg.

Okra Corn & Tomatoes, on the other hand, is bright, acidic, perfectly flavorful, and served HOT – and I have always loved this stuff.

This side tastes like only fresh veggies from the garden can.  Serve it next to your favorite beef steak, pork chops, skillet chicken, grilled shrimp or even pan-seared fish.

Now that I have okra growing in my side yard I have been eating the heck out of the stuff.

I have discovered that I love fresh okra.  Like, I snap the spears off the plant and munch on them constantly when I am in the garden, in the barn, or running around town.

I eat okra like teenagers eat chips.  And LOVE it.

Other addictive garden candy:

  • Radishes
  • Sugar Snap Peas
  • Cherry tomatoes (any color)
  • Asparagus spears

I’m telling you, not only will you find yourself eating the fresh produce as you work in your garden, you’ll probably notice your children doing the same.  There is something magical about picking fruit off of a plant and shoving it in your mouth.

It’s good for your body too.  That garden-fresh, vine-ripened, just-picked goodness.  I have no idea how many wonderful vitamins and nutrients are in the foods I pick and eat right from the plants – but I know it doesn’t get much better.

First, dice up the 1/2 onion.

Wash the okra, trim off stems and cut into 1/2 inch rounds.

Sautee the diced onions & okra rounds in the fat.

You can do this on the stovetop. Or in your Instapot.

I prefer the Instapot because I can make the dish way ahead of time and I don’t have to watch the pot.

Yes!  You can sautee in the bottom of the Instapot.  You can also sear meat in the bottom of an Instapot – this machine is the bomb.  Worth every penny – I use mine all the time.  See the one I have HERE.

We are going to let the okra, tomatoes and onion cook by themselves without the corn.  We will add the corn before serving.  This will keep the corn sweet and crisp.

Dump in the quart of tomatoes on top of the okra and onions and season with salt & pepper to taste.  Put the lid on the Instapot or crockpot.  Cook in the Instapot for 20 minutes on high pressure or in a crockpot on high for 2 or more hours.

After the cooking time, leave the dish in the pot until you are ready to serve.  [The Instapot will keep the dish hot up to 10 hours after cooking time finishes].

The flavors will mingle the veggies will become soft and delicate.

Right before serving stir in the frozen corn.

All the other veggies will be crazy hot which will cause the corn to perfectly cook in seconds.

Adding the corn at the end of cooking time keeps it crisp and sweet.

Serve hot!



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Okra Corn and Tomatoes
Okra Corn and Tomatoes is a fantastic, fresh side.
Recipe Notes

First, dice up the 1/2 onion.  Wash the okra, trim off stems and cut into 1/2 inch rounds.  Sautee the diced onions & okra rounds in the fat in the bottom of the Instapot.

Dump in the quart of tomatoes on top of the okra and onions and season with salt & pepper to taste.  Put the lid on the Instapot or crockpot.  Cook in the Instapot for 20 minutes on high pressure or in a crockpot on high for 2 or more hours.

After the cooking time, leave the dish in the pot until you are ready to serve.  [The Instapot will keep the dish hot up to 10 hours after cooking time finishes].

The flavors will mingle the veggies will become soft and delicate.

Right before serving stir in the frozen corn.

All the other veggies will be crazy hot which will cause the corn to perfectly cook in seconds.

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