February Menu 1 – Lemon-Rosemary Roasted Pork, Creamy Potato Soup & Spicy Pork Gumbo (JTMWTC)

February Menu 1 – Lemon-Rosemary Roasted Pork, Creamy Potato Soup & Spicy Pork Gumbo (JTMWTC)

Happy Valentines Day!
I realize that Valentines Day is not for another week or so but I am thoroughly immersed in the stupid Hallmark holiday.

Want evidence?

This is my day job.

I do all the marketing for our pawnshop in addition to educating small children and cooking food, and doing laundry, and cleaning the house, and taking care of the farm, and a million other things.

The marketing gig is actually kinda fun.
So - it is almost Valentines Day - in case you didn't know . . .

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