Get Your Food Farm to Table – Faster & Easier With this 1 Simple Trick

Get Your Food Farm to Table – Faster & Easier With this 1 Simple Trick

Farm To Table – in a jiffy with this 1 simple trick.

I know a secret that will get your fresh fruit and veggies from your garden to your table faster, cleaner, and with less hassle.

Hassle, you say?

We sow, we weed, we water, we toil, we mulch, we hoe, we fuss until finally the day arrives.  The day we begin to harvest baskets of fresh produce right from our yards.  Oh the satisfaction, the happiness, the joy of bringing armfuls of fresh, organic, homegrown produce in from the garden.


It has to be washed, rinsed, cleaned.  The bugs, the dirt, the pieces of mulch have to be removed.  It all must go so the veggies can be fit for our tables. There’s few things less appetizing than a bug in your salad.  Except maybe 3 worms in your broccoli.


Suddenly, the joy of all that homegrown goodness is overshadowed by the amount of work ahead of you in the washing and debugging department.

I have a trick this is going to fix this dirt/bug problem.

Especially when it comes to lettuce.

I am going to jump to my own conclusions and say that the reason most people don’t grow lettuce is because it’s such a pain to get it from the “growing in the garden” stage, to the “on the table with dressing” stage.  Why else wouldn’t people grow it?

It is the easiest plant to grow.  It is nearly impossible to kill.  It doesn’t get diseases.  It doesn’t have a ton of pests or other problems.  Sprinkle a 99 cent packet of seeds in a row and you’ll be eating lettuce in 3 weeks (lots and lots of lettuce).  Go here to see how easy it is.  Why don’t more people grow lettuce?

I think it’s because of the washing, rewashing, picking out the bugs, stems, dirt, mulch and unidentified weeds and then washing it again.  And did I mention washing?

Drum roll please…………..

Enter, the garden sink.  Oh how you need one of these!

sink 2

It’s nothing fancy.  They have 4 of them at the antique mall in Madison, IN where I got this one.  It’s basically just a giant wash tub on a stand, with a drain in the bottom.  The hose is the faucet.

Toss in the lettuce, veggies, or whatever else needs cleaning (like maybe, a duck or a rabbit – go here and here for more on that) and rinse to your hearts content.

I can blast off all the bugs, dirt, and unwanted debris in no time.  I don’t have to even worry about splashing water all over my kitchen or my house.  I don’t have to be concerned with where the bug went that I just saw crawling up the side of the sink.  Wash away!  
sink 5

Once everything’s clean, transfer into a colander (to drain) and take to the house (to eat).  I don’t have to clean veggies in my house.  I am bringing in lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, turnips, asparagus, and peas that are completely clean and ready to eat.  Squeal!

When I get into my kitchen I can just slice and serve.  Can you say, “Freedom!” 

sink 1

This simple trick has saved me so much time.  A sink in the garden.  Brilliant!

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If you are in your garden in the heat – remember to stay hydrated by drinking lots of cool water.

A douse in the hose helps too.





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