10 Signs You’ve Had Enough Rain

10 Signs You’ve Had Enough Rain

How do you know when you’ve had enough rain?

It’s been wet….. warm, humid and did I mention… wet here in Kentucky.

I don’t know about your homestead, but ours is pretty much as soaked as it can get.  I’m not sure what we are going to do with the additional rain being forecasted.  We are pretty much covered up and fully saturated at this point.

enough rain

My list was originally 10, but… since… unfortunately…  I can’t shut-up, the list has grown to 13.

Here’s how to know you’ve had enough rain:

The Yard


The ducks are swimming in the front yard.  Which by the way has never been a pond, lake, creek or stream before.


You need to mow twice a week, but you can’t because it won’t stop raining.


The creek is a river and you aren’t sure what happened to the culverts.  Someone in the next county down stream probably has them.


You don’t have a gravel driveway anymore.  I’m not sure where the gravel went, but it’s gone and there’s a creek where the driveway used to be.


It’s July and your grass isn’t dead.

The House


Cabin Fever is setting record proportions.  We’ve done art.  We’ve watched every decent movie from the library. We’ve cleaned out closets.  We’ve organized pantries.  We need to get out.


The sump pump won’t quit running.

The Livestock


There is no longer a “wallow” in Pig-Wonderland.  Pig-Wonderland is now a wallow.  Go here to see Pig Wonderland.


It’s been a month since you filled a stock tank.  The cows, the pigs, the chickens, the ducks all have full water tanks …… and you didn’t fill them.

The Garden


Everything that hasn’t washed out of the garden or drowned now has a fungus.  Grumble.


It’s been so long since you’ve seen the sun, when it briefly appears it’s unusually horrible, bright and painful.


The plague of the frogs has returned from Genesis and descended on your homestead.  I am being stalked and attacked.  I’m pretty sure our homestead used to be a frog farm.  They are on my front porch, in my garage, in the milking barn, in the front yard.  Everywhere I go a frog tries to assault, I mean hop at me.  More on frog assaults here (There’s Something in my Boot).


The number one sign that you’ve had enough of rain……………..

Drum roll please…………………….

It’s summer and you don’t have a farmer’s tan.

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Stay dry everyone!




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