Wrapping up the Garden for Winter

Wrapping up the Garden for Winter

Getting the garden ready for winter.

Oh boy am I late with this one.

We are having an unseasonably warm fall and I have still been eating bits and pieces of my garden.  So, it would be a shame to rip it out prematurely.  I’ll take whatever I can get as long as I can get it.   
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As you can see my garden is pretty  much shot and a land of death.  There are a few “cool season” crops hiding in there that will give me food until the completely frozen days hit (usually in January).

fallgarden 13Kale is one of those plants that can grow at unbelievably cold temperatures.

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The lettuce and swiss chard and salad greens were finally destroyed by frost.


I have had my fill of cabbage worms this fall.

If you haven’t heard my soap-box demonstration on Cabbage worms go here to hear it.  I must have fallen on my head, or, for some reason, decided that I wanted to eat worms again, because I grew some broccoli this fall.


Got that out of my system.


fall garden Collage2
As I was clearing out and harvesting the scarce remains of the garden I couldn’t help noticing the last herbs standing.  They were chives, thyme, oregano and rosemary.  The exact herbs I use for all things Thanksgiving and Christmas.  They were the only herbs left.

fallgarden 8

As you can see, I got most of the beds cleaned out.  I will torch them and top them with some mulch (thanks to the chicken coop) and let them rest for the winter.  Go here to see how and why we torch our garden beds.

I must say, although it’s been a fun growing season, I’m glad to see it end.

Winter is a deserved rest we all need.

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