The Lizard

The Lizard

We had a lizard.  He was actually a broad-headed skink.  Our cats delivered him to our back door.  We saved him from becoming cat food.  He lived in my basement for approximately 5 months…. In an aquarium of course.   His name was Hannibal.

See that 4 inch tall, plastic, fish-tank tree he is sitting on?

Skinks like to climb trees.  It is one way they avoid becoming someone’s dinner.  This little 4 inch plastic shrub is the closest thing Hannibal had to a tree for 5 months.  He climbed  tried to climb it every day.  Only to have it fall over.  Then he would sit on his plastic shrub and stare at us.  Poor Hannibal.

Hannibal ate meal worms, crickets, beetles and whatever else we my children delivered to him.  Anything you stuck into his cage he would bite.  He was a feisty little guy.

My son decided to let Hannibal go.  Hannibal needed real trees to climb.  We found the perfect spot in the woods.

One last picture with the lizard!  I’m a little freaked in this photo because Hannibal bites and he’s scary.   Yes, I’m wearing cammo again.  Sorry.

Lizard love.

We set him free on a cool evening.  He quickly scampered off into the fall leaves.

Good Bye Hannibal!

When we got back to the house his sister had made him a cake.  It said “Good-Bye Lizard.”  She even “iced” a portrait of Hannibal on the cake.

I think Hannibal is now at the top of a real tree and is happy.

My mom gave my son a lizard ornament to hang on his Christmas Tree this year.  I like the ornament.  It doesn’t try to bite me.




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