Snow Day!

Snow Day!

I wanted to show you the beautiful snow we woke up to this morning.



The sun was just thinking about rising.  Everything was covered in a beautiful, soft, white blanket.

I think my children have an internal detector that tells them there is snow outside.  They were up, dressed in snow clothes & on sleds before 7:30am.  Of course, on a normal day I am lucky to have them all conscious and out of bed by 8:30.

Outside the milk barn was snowy and beautiful this morning.


The little sparks of light you see in the photo’s are snowflakes.

It makes me stand in amazement at the Lord’s beautiful creation.

Psalm 19:1  “The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”

Psalms 50:10  “for every animal of the forest is Mine,
    and the cattle on a thousand hills.”

Today, I am thankful for the snow, the kids and the cattle.

Wish me luck teaching the kids today.  They are a little distracted.

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