Sweet & Sticky Chicken Wing Recipe

Sweet & Sticky Chicken Wing Recipe

We make these wings as appetizers.  We make them for lunch.  We even make them for dinner.  

They are so tender that you can’t hold them without them falling off the bone.  They are perfectly sweet and sticky.  I love them.

These are, without a doubt, absolutely, the best wings that can come from your oven.  As I was trying to placing them on the plate they were falling apart.  So, so tender that the meat wouldn’t stay on the bone for the picture.  Can you say, “Yum.”

Yum.  Yum.  Yum.

For step-by-step instructions go here.

This recipe is a miracle on chicken wings, but it’s not bad on rabbit either.  Go here to read about that.

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Sweet & Sticky Chicken Wings
These are, without a doubt, absolutely, the best wings that can come from your oven. They are so tender that you can't hold them without them falling off the bone. They are perfectly sweet and sticky.
Recipe Notes

Combine soy sauce and brown sugar in a large bowl.  Mince garlic & add to sauce.  Add the red pepper, ginger, tomato paste, and oil.  Mix well.  Pour wings into bowl with marinade & toss to cover.  Transfer into large bakers pan.  Arrange the wings so you have a single layer.  Pour additional the marinade over the wings.

Put in a 350 degree oven & cook for 2 hours – turning occasionally ( I turn it 2 times).  At the end of baking you will notice that most of the liquid is gone.  Turn up the oven to 400 degrees (only if needed) at the end of baking to achieve desired brown-ness.

Your wings will be glazed, fall-off-the-bone tender and fabulous!

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