Spicy Spinach & Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms

Spicy Spinach & Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms

Spicy Spinach & Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms

For a classic sausage stuffed mushrooms go here.  These are not your mama’s stuffed mushrooms.  They are better!


These were gluten free when no one knew what gluten was.

Which I think is hilarious.

I love mushrooms.  Either it is hereditary, or I have somehow passed on my adoration for shrooms on to my children.  When I make mushrooms I make bowls of them.  My children have a nasty habit of strolling through the kitchen while I am cooking and eating whatever I am trying to make.

If it happens to be mushrooms or bacon – I need to double the recipe.  One batch for the kitchen tours and a second for the dinner table.

Have I told you why we southern women are round?  It’s because we eat twice.  Once when we are cooking and again with everyone else.

Stuffed mushrooms are one of those glorious appetizers or party foods that you can simply pick up with a toothpick and shove in your mouth.  I love this.

These are really, really, really, really yummy.

I think y’all should all make them for Superbowl.

It’s actually fun to make these little guys.

Wash and dry the mushrooms.

The next step is to remove the stems so you can fill the little caps with goodness.  My stems did not want to “pop” out like the world says they should.  I used a little spoon to carve out my stems.

Save the stems!  We are going to cook them up and shove them inside the caps with the spinach cheese.  Shrooms stuffed with more shrooms – delightful.

Next get all the veggies chopped up.  Chop up the stems.  Dice up the onion.  Mince the red chili pepper.  Mince the garlic.

Add a little lard or fat to a skillet over medium-high heat.  Add the onion, garlic, chopped mushroom stems, minced red pepper, and saute them until the onion is soft.  Salt & pepper everything and remove from heat.

Squeeze all the liquids from the spinach.

In a medium bowl soften some cream cheese.  Add sour cream, grated cheese, spinach, and the mushroom-onion mixture.

Stir and taste.  It should be sensational.  If it needs salt or pepper, add it and stir again.

Use a spoon to fill all the caps with the spinach, cheese mixture (be sure it’s mounded on top).

Place mushrooms on a baking sheet and bake at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes.  The mushrooms will produce juice as they cook.

I had to de-juice my pan with a clean towel about half-way through cooking.

Can you see the spicy peppers?  And the creamy cheese?  And that spinach?


Serve warm.



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Spinach & Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms
Straight from 1982 - These are spicy, yummy and gluten-free!
Course Appetizer, snacks
Cuisine appetizer, mushrooms
Course Appetizer, snacks
Cuisine appetizer, mushrooms
Recipe Notes

Wash and dry the mushrooms.  Remove the stems and save.

Chop up the stems.  Dice up the onion.  Mince the red chili pepper.  Mince the garlic.

Add a little lard or fat to a skillet over medium-high heat.  Add the onion, garlic, chopped mushroom stems, minced red pepper, and saute them until the onion is soft.  Salt & pepper everything and remove from heat.

Squeeze all the liquids from the spinach.

In a medium bowl soften some cream cheese.  Add sour cream, grated cheese, spinach, and the mushroom-onion mixture.

Stir and taste.  If it needs salt or pepper, add it and stir again.

Use a spoon to fill all the caps with the spinach, cheese mixture (be sure it's mounded on top).

Place mushrooms on a baking sheet and bake at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until beginning to brown on top.

Serve warm!

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