Kentucky Straight Bourbon Balls

Kentucky Straight Bourbon Balls

Kentucky Straight Bourbon Balls

I do live in Kentucky.

Kentucky is the birthplace of bourbon and as far as I’m concerned it’s also the only place to get it.  Even though there are a handful of other places producing bourbon today, 95% of all bourbon is still manufactured in Kentucky.

These Bourbon balls were a staple in my home as a child every year at Christmastime.  It’s funny because these little morsels contain quite the punch.  The bourbon in these treats is not cooked, simmered or altered in any way to eliminate the alcohol content.  So, you should probably card people before feeding them these.

As long as you are legal drinking age or your parents happen to be the ones handing these to you – You’re about to experience a blessed explosion of delight.

Spectacular – these are tremendous.

To begin, you are going to need some good bourbon.  You don’t need to go out and get Weller 12; however, use a good bourbon.  The balls will only be as good as the spirit you put in them.

The right bourbon is going to give these little balls of fire a sweet, woody, delicate bite that only good bourbon can provide.

I must comment about the alcohol situation because it cracks me up.

When I bring a tray of these around people who don’t partake in adult beverages they have one of 2 reactions:

  1. They say, “No thanks” and won’t touch them  OR
  2. They eat the entire platter

I know about these things.  I live in the bible belt surrounded by baptist preachers and teetotalers.

Let’s make some bourbon balls!

STEP 1: Make the bourbon butter-cream center

In a small bowl soften 1/2 a stick of butter.  Add the bourbon & whisk.  Add the powdered sugar and whisk again.  Last, use a wooden spoon to fold in some chopped pecans (optional).

STEP 2: Roll the filling into balls

Dust your hands with powdered sugar to prevent sticking and begin to roll the filling into little balls.  Continue making balls until you have used all the filling.

Transfer the cream centers into the refrigerator to harden (1-2 hours).

STEP 3: Melt the Chocolate & Dip

You can use a baking chocolate bar or semi-sweet chocolate chips.  Melt the chocolate in a double boiler.

Using a toothpick, dip each cream center into the melted chocolate to coat.

STEP 4: Stick a Pecan Half on Top

Move the bourbon balls to a sheet of wax (or parchment) paper to set.  Place a pecan half on top of the candy while the chocolate is still soft.

Store in the refrigerator up to 2 weeks…. but there’s no way these will last that long.

Bottoms up!

Eat responsibly, people.

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Bourbon Balls
These spunky morsels will make your holiday even more festive! These are the best bourbon balls you've ever tasted!
Course Dessert
Cuisine candy, Dessert
Course Dessert
Cuisine candy, Dessert
Recipe Notes

In a small bowl soften 1/2 a stick of butter.  Add the bourbon & whisk.  Add the powdered sugar and whisk again.  Last, use a wooden spoon to fold in some chopped pecans (optional). Dust your hands with powdered sugar to prevent sticking and begin to roll the filling into little balls.  Continue making balls until you have used all the filling.  Lay them on a (greased) bakers sheet as you go.  Transfer the cream centers into the refrigerate to harden (1-2 hours). Melt the chocolate.  Using a toothpick, dip each cream center into the melted chocolate to coat. Move the bourbon balls to a sheet of wax (or parchment) paper to set.  Place a pecan half on top of the candy while the chocolate is still soft. Store in the refrigerator up to 2 weeks.

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