I love to write. I love to share my life. I love learning and teaching others what I have learned along the way. But I wish could somehow tell the world about the wonders of homesteading and skip the sad parts. Unfortunately, the sad parts come along with the deal.
Ping died in his sleep last night.
As I write this I am trying to figure out what to say to my daughter when she wakes up.
If you haven’t visited my Facebook page, I’ll recap briefly.
While we were on a beach last week there was an attack on our poultry. Either this predator likes ducks or ducks are just easier to catch than chickens. Maybe both. Anyhow, he ate most of our ducks. Ping got away with some bad injuries to his head. We isolated him, loved him, bathed him, medicated him and let him sleep in the garage at night with the cats so he could recuperate.
We thought Ping would pull through. His head was looking better and healing. He had an infection in one eye that we were treating. I guess the injuries were deeper and more serious than anyone knew.
This morning I went to the garage to take Ping out to his new crib. That’s when I realized he had died. He just tucked his head under his wing, went to sleep and decided not to wake up.
He will definitely be missed.
the bayou gypsy
06/10/2016I’m so sorry to hear that not only did you lose your ducks to a predator but that you lost Ping last night. He is waddling in heaven with all of his duck friends for sure. It’s never easy when you lose an animal. Hope you find some joy in your day today considering the circumstances.
11/09/2016Thanks honey!
06/10/2016I am sorry to hear about Ping!! I am sad now too. We also lost two out of three ducks to a predator and now we do not free range them. (I ended up buying two more to keep poor Lucy (the lone survivor) company) I think you are right, I think ducks are easier than chickens, mainly because they can’t fly at all. My heart goes out to you all. It was hard for my kids as well (especially my daughter) but, we have always taught them about the circle of life, unfortuneatly, everything has to eat and my kids who are 8 understand this concept. We hunt and eat what we kill, we too are predators, we have raised meat birds and it fills our bellys with wholesome nutrional food. So they totally get it! They also know its OK to be sad about it. I wouldn’t necessarily not want them to feel sad about it. Whether we are purposfully taking a life, such as hunting or raising meat, it is a tough thing to take a life. That should be respected, given thanks to and even mourned. The great thing about kids is, they are so resilient and I think if you are matter of fact with them, they get it and understand. Big hugs to you all..
11/09/2016Oh – Thank you for your sweet note!
I am so sorry you lost your 2 ducks. You are right, predators must eat too.
06/10/2016Im so sorry for your family’s loss!! It is never easy losing a pet
I lost my sweet Goosie a few months ago and I don’t think I will ever be over it. You know how in life you have those special pets? that is what Goosie was to me, such a sweet girl.
We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers love.
06/10/2016Thanks everyone for your sweet thoughts and words.
06/11/2016This is always the hard part of homesteading. (((hugs)))
06/28/2016Dear, Sweet Woman: I read your posts aloud to my children. So often you make us all laugh. Some days, we cry, and wish we could hug you and your family. We will keep you all, and especially your daughter, in our prayers. God bless.
11/09/2016Oh honey! your words mean so much.