My 12 Favorite Things To Do With Bone-Broth

My 12 Favorite Things To Do With Bone-Broth

Now that you’ve filled your freezer with delicious, nutritious bone-broth let’s look at what you can do with all that goodness.  The list is pretty much endless, but here are some of my favorite ways to use homemade bone-broth.

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  1. Just drink it.  Drink it with meals.  Drink it as a meal replacement if you’re too busy to stop and eat.  Drink it as a nourishing snack. Drink it when you’re sick.  Drink it anytime.
  2. Boil some whole-wheat pasta and top it with bone-broth for an easy, kid-friendly meal.
  3. Cook veggies in it – cabbage, green beans, Brussels sprouts, squash, zucchini, Lima beans, mushrooms, etc.  Bone broth adds flavor and health to any cooked veggie (or fungi).
  4. Make rice with it – instead of preparing rice with water – use bone broth.  Unbelievably scrumptious!
  5. Use it as a base for any soup, stew, or bisque.
  6. Whisk equal parts mashed potatoes and bone-broth together in a pot for the perfect creamy potato soup.  Top with sour-cream, chives, shredded cheese, & crispy bacon.  YUM!
  7. Use to to make your Thanksgiving stuffing, cornbread stuffing, oyster stuffing.
  8. Sausage & Rice Casserole. That’s all that needs to be said.   OH Baby!
  9. Chicken and Dumplings.  This is the easiest dinner ever!  All you do is bring the broth to a boil & drop in the dumpling dough (turn the heat down to medium). Flip the dumplings over once.  Never, ever, ever put a lid on the pot.   In 15 minutes you’ll have the most soul-warming, incredible dinner.  Your family will think you cooked all day.
  10. Hummus!  I always start with dried garbanzo beans.  Soak overnight.  Drain off soaking water.  Then simmer the beans in a crock pot with bone-broth for 10 hours on high.  My husband says they taste like boiled peanuts.  If you like boiled peanuts you’ll love these.  If you don’t like boiled peanuts, smash them to death with some olive oil & you’ve got hummus.
  11. Make beans…… black eyed peas, black beans, red beans, navy beans, soup beans, any beans.  Soak’em, strain’em, and cook’em all day in some bone-broth.  Delicious.
  12. Add some (organic, non-GMO) corn starch to some bone-broth & you’ve got perfect gravy! Well, actually you’ll need to add a couple tablespoons of corn starch to 1/4 cup cool (filtered) water first.  Stir that until the corn starch is dissolved, then add the corn starch/ water mixture to your bone-broth and simmer until thick.  Salt & pepper to taste.  Top those mashed potatoes, stuffing, and poultry with perfect gravy.

There are not many days that go by when we don’t consume broth of some sort in this house.

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