LIVE FROM MY COUCH – Covid 19 Thoughts

LIVE FROM MY COUCH – Covid 19 Thoughts

Covid19 Thoughts

“During this time of social distancing, be sure to check in on your extrovert friends – WE ARE NOT OK.”

In case you haven’t picked up on it, I am an extrovert.

I love action.  I love people.  I love doing things.  I love experiences.

And, like the rest of America, I’ve been stuck in my home.  Even our neighbors won’t interact with us because DH has a cold.

Good grief, go to Walmart and clear your throat.  People will run.

We extroverts are probably the biggest babies about this whole epidemic.  I know that it is a great way to stop the spread of the virus.  I fully support social separation and am following all the rules.  Maybe a little too well.   I’m kinda worried my car won’t start the next time I turn the key.  I can’t remember the last time I drove anywhere.

It’s a good thing I have you guys because without some friends to talk to, this isolation can feel very… isolating.

I do have an introverted husband and one introverted child.

They are peachy.  They could live alone forever and not miss any of you.

Not me.

I’m looking forward to the day the world is reopened and I can have a farm party.


First of all, I don’t know about your neck of the woods, but here in Kentucky people don’t seem to be taking this thing seriously.  Especially the elderly.

And they are the ones we are doing this for.

DH and I own a pawnshop.  It is a financial institution where people can find solutions during times of need.

Because of the virus outbreak, we are taking enormous precautions to keep our customers safe, while still meeting their needs.  Our doors are locked.  We are servicing customers as needed from a distance.  In short, we are going above and beyond the governor’s requirements in order to do our part and keep people safe.


Not because they need toilet paper.

Not because they need milk or eggs or bread.

They are out because they are on Corona-vacation.  


They have been told not to come to work and to stay home.

But people are not staying home.  I’ve seen it with my own eyes.

They are galavanting around town seeing what all the locals are up to.

I can’t tell you how many folks have come by the shop, found the doors locked, and knocked to come in.

Like I said, we are helping customers on a case by case basis, who have a business need.  We are not open to the public for shopping, browsing, or socializing.

This is what we are dealing with all day-

Not at home Person:  “Knocks on business door.”

DH: “Hey, how can we help you?”

Not at home Person:  “I’m just coming by to say hello.”

DH:  “Go home.”

We’ve had unbelievable amounts of people just stopping by because they don’t have anything else to do right now.  We keep telling them that they are home from work so they can be HOME FROM WORK.

This is not a vacation.

Go back home.

DH showed me a Twitter comment from a mayor in a small town of Kentucky that said it all (warning – language).



Before the epidemic hit, I was planning on selling one of my milk cows.  We have two right now and I certainly don’t need both.  Now that this is happening, I am keeping the cows.

At least, that is my plan today.  It could all change tomorrow.  This is (unfortunately) the way I am.

One day I am writing a post to sell the cow and just before I hit the “publish” button, I decide that a new calf and fresh milk sound nice.

So, I am keeping the cow.

There is something very comforting about having a fresh dairy.


Yes, we are still going forward with the move, God providing.

If we were planning on moving onto anything but another homestead, I would probably be taking the farm off the market and staying put.

Let’s face it, I am in the best possible position right now in this world of uncertainty.  I am away from the city.  We have over 23 acres to call home.  I have freezers filled with meat, a basement lined with home-canned goods, hundreds of pounds of wheat berries (without expiration dates) and everything I need.

The last thing we want right now is to intentionally put ourselves in a position where we are more dependent.  I want to continue to be able to pull groceries from our stockpile.  I want to continue to make bread.  I want to grow produce in the garden.

Why would anyone move from this?

Because we are moving to this.

We are going from one homestead to another homestead.  We will still have our cows, fresh eggs and gardens.

Someone asked me on Facebook if we were moving on to bigger and better things.  I replied that we were only moving to a new location, not necessarily bigger or better.

That’s true.  And that is the only reason we are OK with plugging forward with our move.

If you are looking to move to a sustainable homestead – CHECK OUT OUR FARM.


There are benefits and downsides to this whole quarantine thing.  The great part is I am eating at home and not eating any processed ingredients.

The bad part is that I am cooking three five meals a day and eating them.

I fill boredom

Sitting still is not something I do well, unless you put a glass of wine in my hand and a person in front of me.  Then I will sit until you make me leave.

Because I have HOURS to fill and nothing to do, it was either: develop an alcohol problem or cook.  I chose the latter.  I have been cooking, baking and eating like royalty.

It makes me remember what Mamaw told me years ago about the holidays.  It was Thanksgiving weekend and she remarked something that confused me-

“Candi, the holidays are just awful…”

Mamaw is a devout Christian.  She loves her church, she loves Christmas and her favorite thing to do is feed people.  How can someone who loves people, food and Jesus think the holidays are awful?

Then she finished the sentence

“All I do is cook and eat and get fat.”

There it was.  The truth.  She also says that we cooks are plump because we eat twice while everyone else only eats once.

“Once while we’re cooking and again with everyone else.”

so dang accurately.

Here we home-chefs are, bored, and cooking, and eating twice.

This, friends, is not good.

I’ve been weighing my self a couple of times a week just to keep a handle on this food situation.

Don’t ask me how much I’ve gained.  I don’t want to talk about it.

On the bright side, many families who have been outsourcing the preparation of meals for years are bringing it back in-house.  The Covid19 has revived the home cook.  I think this is a huge positive.

Often, we don’t realize how simple and satisfying it can be to cook at home.

It’s not that hard.

It’s much more nutritious.


AND you are creating memories.

Fabulous Artisan Bread – 2 Loaf Recipe

To feed someone is to love them.  When we take the time out of our days to prepare and cook meals for our loved ones we are deeply caring for them.

This will not be regretted or overlooked.

Whether they thank you today or not, in the future they will remember with fondness all those home-cooked meals.

And hopefully, they will want to pass that gift on to their families and future generations.

Y’all stay healthy!




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