Life, Death and Video Games

Life, Death and Video Games

Life, Death and Video Games.

christmas 13

Before you decide I’m a huge downer and my blog sucks…… I’d like to point out 3 things:

  1. I want my blog to be real.  If you want a perfect life, with perfect people and perfect gardens and perfectly raised livestock – go somewhere else.  Real life is happening here – tears and all.
  2. I’m not good at “pretending.”  Fortunately, or unfortunately, you’re gonna get the real me.  I’m not good at acting like everything is great when it’s not.
  3. I don’t hold grudges, stay upset, dwell on the bad, or wallow in misery.  God is good all the time and All the time God is good.  His ways are not ours and I am down with His plan.  We are moving forward and looking forward to all He has for us.

I have one more thought on this past week, and then I am so happy to move on to my garden disaster, a new calf, and cute-wittle-piggies.  Squeal!

Have I told you how much I hate video games?  I just don’t get it.  Pressing buttons and watching a screen?  I do realize the irony of this, since blogging involves pressing buttons and watching a screen.

Video games drive me crazy.  I have somewhat normal kids, so there is the occasional video gaming  around here; especially when my son’s have friends over.

One of the problems I have with video games is the “reset” button.  If you’re having a bad run, came up against the wrong boss, or are having an “off” day – you can start over.  There’s always a new life.

Real life isn’t that simple.  When death happens, it’s over.  No reset buttons.  No more lives.  You get to live with decisions.  You get to live with the consequences of your actions (and everyone else’s).

When we were dreaming of moving to the country and getting cute animals to raise we did not think to to much about death.  We knew we’d eat the meat chickens.  We knew the beef steers were food.  The pigs were destined to be bacon the day they showed up.  Death was all part of the plan.

Kind of.

It’s the layer hens we loved that we didn’t want to be racoon food.  The guineas that left the county without our consent.  The loss of the best dog in the world, Champ.  And, of course, our wonderful milk-cow, Faith, that was supposed to live another 10 years and help me raise these 4 small people.

But they’re gone now.

Death is a part of life.  We are all going to die.  Our favorite cat is going to die.  Our new calf is going to die.  Our ridiculous dog is going to die (but not soon enough, I’m sure).  My children are going to die.  I am going to die.

We don’t get to decide how long someone will be a part of our life.

I may have to say that the hardest part of homesteading is watching my children mourn when there is an unexpected  loss.  It stinks.

I know that my children are having different life experiences because of the way we are living.  They have faced things like death, pain and questioning what God is up to.

In the end, I think it is good.  They are growing in understanding, in faith and into wonderful little people.

There is so much to look forward to.  There is so much to be grateful for.  There is so much life to live.  We are just getting started!

Life doesn’t have a reset button – but tomorrow is a new day and we’re happy to have the privilege to live this life.

Fun, Laughter and happiness coming!

I’m excited about this summer, I’m excited about my garden.  I’m excited about our wittle-piggies coming this week.  There is so much to be happy about.  I’m not going to mope, pout and be sad.  I am so blessed.

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Sending a hug!




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