HUGE NEWS!!! I Changed the Name of My Blog!

HUGE NEWS!!! I Changed the Name of My Blog!

I am changing the name of my blog.


I know.  I’m crazy.  People work for years to develop a following, create the right vibe, build their SEO and get their name out there….

And I pick NOW to change my blog name?  What?  Why?  Wait?  Will I still get your emails?  Will I still be one of your readers?

The answer is YES!

If you are on my mailing list – you will be on the new list.  If you are following along now, you will still be able to follow the new name.

So Why on Earth am I Changing my name?

The Reason is Simple: 

I want a name that captures all that we do here on the blog.

This site is really about YOU!

  • It is about everyone who wants health, life and wellness.
  • It’s about changing your diet to improve your world.
  • It’s about eating real.
  • It’s about enjoying everything.
  • It’s about feeling good, eating well and living healthy….

and the food is the star!


It took a lot of searching and soul seeking and more searching to find the right name.

The new name is all about farm – because without a farm – there is no real food.

The new name is about freshness – because farm to table is always best.

The new name is about life – because eating healthy is what restores life, heals life and gives life.


Welcome to

Don’t worry – I am still me and really, not much will be changing except for the name.

I will still be complaining about my pigs.  I will still be baking delicious things with fresh milled flour.  I will still be milking my cow.  I will still be me.  🙂

The site is new, live and bursting with fresh posts about eating and living well.

I need 2 things from you! (Please?)

  1. Check out the new site I hope you like it.
  2. Please continue to check your “spam” email box and look for a message from my new site (

Emails are funny and often end up in the “spam” box when you really wish they were in your “in” box.  I’m going to be sending a newsletter your way that includes a free gift!  It’s a mini-book called “How to Eat – An Eaters Manual.”

Be on the lookout and once you find it be sure to mark it “Not Spam” so you can get emails from me in the future.

Many, many blessings to all of you!  I am so grateful for everyone of you.  I treasure your comments, emails and feedback.  Thank you for reading, visiting and being a part of my life.

If you want to follow the new blog sign up HERE (you’ll get the Eating Guide for FREE when you do!)





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  1. Anonymous

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