Southern Turnip Greens or Collard Greens (Premium)

Southern Turnip Greens or Collard Greens (Premium)

Southern Turnip Greens
Have you ever eaten greens?


There are lots of different greens:  turnip greens, mustard greens, collard greens.

Greens are tremendously healthy.

Turnip greens are crazy high in vitamin K.  They also provide vitamin A (beta-carotene), manganese, copper, folate, vitamin C, calcium, vitamin E, vitamin B6 and dietary fiber.  They contain potassium, vitamin B2, iron, phosphorus, riboflavin, thiamin and pantothenic acid.

Turnip greens are low in saturated fat, low in cholesterol and even provide protein.  Read more:  Howdy, this content is for Members only– You should join! 

It’s cheap, and your pants will thank you.

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