Homestead Sweet Homestead – Make Your Home Cleaner-Safer-And Save Money

Homestead Sweet Homestead – Make Your Home Cleaner-Safer-And Save Money

Homestead Sweet Homestead – Cleaner/Safer/Cheaper

the best kitchen towel, kitchen cleaning, new low price, e-cloth

How to make you Homestead a Better/ Safer Place & Save some Dough in the process!

I am on this clean living kick here at the house.  The kids and DH keep watching to see if it’s gonna pass.  I’m tossing cleaning supplies.  I’m bathing under a Berkey faucet.  I make my own lotions, creams and laundry detergent.


Rome wasn’t built in a day.

I have slowly made changes over the years.  One thing at a time.

If you are ready to make a couple of changes and turn your home into a cleaner environment –

Here are 3 things you can do this week to Make Your Home a Cleaner & Safer Place:

STEP 1 to a Clean Home:  Get a Plant

Get a houseplant.  Did you know that plants actually clean the air?  They do!  Spending time outdoors in wooded or natural settings will increase the amount of oxygen you enjoy.  Living things in the house have this same effect.

STEP 2 to a Clean Home:  Stop Gasses

Be sure all stoves, furnaces or other appliances are working correctly.  Make sure there are no gas leaks or emissions.

Another important step is to check your home for radon.  Radon is an invisible, odorless, tasteless gas that comes from underground.  The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and the Surgeon General’s Office have estimated that as many as 20,000 lung cancer deaths are caused each year by radon.

STEP 3 to a Clean Home:  Clean up Your Act

I don’t know about you, but there came a point when I realized that all those pretty bottles of cleaning liquids were probably not a good idea.

Window cleaners, bathroom cleaners, kitchen cleaners, all-purpose cleaners – you know the ones.

I kinda already knew, thanks to the coughing reaction I have any time someone sprays Lysol in a room (which happens occasionally at our Pawnshop).  I remember thinking, “If it hurts my throat and makes me cough, is this good?”

I usually don’t use cleaning products at all.  I use vinegar for some stains & bleach to clean the milk-pump and that’s about it.  Most of the time I just clean with water.

Yup – H2O.

I have e-cloths.  With e-cloths, I can clean with water.

experience awesome cleaning; best cleaning; clean chemical-free

E-cloths are great.  They are significantly less expensive than the competition (Norwex) and just as good at cleaning up messes.

If you are hearing about this for the first time – let me get on my soapbox for a second.

  1.  With e-cloths, you can clean with just water.  WATER.  The magic is in the microfiber.  It is amazing at cleaning up germs on surfaces and you don’t need harsh chemicals to make them work.  Just the cloth and a sink.
  2. Dollar Store microfiber cloths are not the same.  I have bought them and compared them to my e-cloths.  The dollar store versions are thin & flimsy and they just don’t last.  The cheap ones curl at the edges, can’t be folded and come out of my dryer in a wad.  E-cloths are nothing like this.  They are thick, durable and made to last.  They are of excellent quality and functional size.  They don’t shrink, curl or turn into a wad in the dryer.
  3. The e-cloths are an investment, but you’ll save in the long run.  Once you start cleaning with water you will save money on cleaning supplies.  You won’t need to buy them, lug them home or store them.  Imagine what it’s gonna look like under your kitchen sink if you switch to e-cloths.
  4. Paper-Free – I gave up paper towels years ago.  I keep a stack of e-cloths next to my kitchen sink for spills, drying and wiping.  Not only do they save you money on paper goods and save trees.

Get a pack of e-cloths today – see what you think.

spring cleaning, e-cloth, clean with just water, chemical-free, two for one

I love mine.  I simply can’t get enough of them.  I use them to clean everything:  the bathrooms, the kitchen and I even take them with me when I go to the gym.

Y’all should try them.  I’ve been a customer for years.  They really are great.  Go here to shop all the e-cloth products.




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