He’s 11 Years Old

He’s 11 Years Old

Happy Birthday!

My youngest child is 11 years old today.

I am really trying not to call him my “baby.”  Although, he is.  Always and forever.

Good grief he was such a cutie.  Blonde curls all over his little head.

He’s still pretty cute…

He loves:  outdoors, hunting, riding 4-wheelers, riding dirt bikes, being with friends, banging on drums, anything with Daddy and is turning into quite a cool little man.

We went to South Carolina 2 weeks ago.  It was amazing.  We went with friends and the kids had a ball.

Below is my favorite picture from the entire week:

It was late at night and I took all the kids to the beach.  We laid out blankets and played music as loud as we could (until the speaker died).

We danced.  We sang.  We watched the ocean.  We gazed at the stars.  We soaked in the majesty.

This is my idea of a good time.

It was amazing.  I felt like I was on another planet.

My 4 kiddos are sporadically arranged in the pic-

  1. Mountain Dew shirt on the left in the back – my youngest daughter
  2. Big boy center in the back (blue tank)- my oldest son
  3. Girl on far right in the back – my oldest daughter
  4. Dead center – blonde – the birthday boy!

Don’t even ask me what’s in those cupcakes – The grandma did it & I didn’t eat any. LOL

Happy Birthday, Dude!

Love you so much!




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  1. Pea Proffitt

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