Homemade Christmas Gifts – Eat, Drink & Be Merry!  Stacker

Homemade Christmas Gifts – Eat, Drink & Be Merry! Stacker

Here is another one!  This is also a  “stacker.”  Did I mention how much I like working with wood?

This one is easy & so inexpensive to make.  I am using 2X2’s, craft supplies (I had here on hand)  and some stain.  That’s it!

stackers 6

Supply list:

  • 2X2 wood
  • dark stain
  • scrap-booking paper
  • Mod Podge or Elmer’s glue
  • paint & paint brush

First cut your 3 pieces of wood.

  • Bottom:  12 inches long
  • Middle:  9 inches long
  • Top:  6 inches long

After you cut them, knock off the rough edges with some sandpaper.


Stain the entire surface of all 3 pieces of wood.  Wipe off any excess stain & let dry. Once the stain has dried cut some scrap-booking paper of your choice to correct size and glue it onto the front of each block.

After the paper dries I rub some of the dark stain on the edges of the scrap-booking paper to make it look old fashioned.


Next, paint the letters onto the blocks.  I just free-handed mine.  If you happen to have a vinyl cutter – it would come in really handy for all these letters!  I don’t, so I paint mine.


After painting on the letters in white, I went back over them and accented with black.


Last, I painted on a couple of little asterisk star-thingy’s  to add some pizzazz. Paint a coat of Mod Podge or Elmer’s glue over the fronts and you are done!

stackers 6

Festive, jolly, fun!  Perfect Homemade Christmas Gift!

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