Faith is Still Standing

Faith is Still Standing

Faith is still alive.  She is not out of the woods yet.  The doctor was by again yesterday.  She is getting fantastic medical care.

I think the best way to describe what Faith is to our family would be to compare her to a dog (a dog you really, really love) who provides not only companionship and love, but food also.  Organic, raw, natural, healthy food.  And a lot of it.

She is our mama cow.  Her eyes brighten my day.  When she perks her ears at me I always smile.  She is part of our lives.  Things would not be the same without her.

She was our first cow.  She will always be special to us.

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As far as her recovery goes:  she is slowly moving around more.  She is drinking.  She still is not interested in food.  We really want her to regain her appetite.  It would do my heart well to see her eating something.

There’s not much we know to do now except care for her and pray she gets well.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.




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