Green Tomato Salsa – Making, Canning and This is so Good it’s Ridiculous!

Green Tomato Salsa – Making, Canning and This is so Good it’s Ridiculous!

Green Salsa.  

Oh, the deliciousness.

If you have some green tomatoes under your bed in a box you may want to bring them out of hiding.

green salsa

When I set out a bowl of fresh, green salsa with blue (organic) corn chips for our guests a couple of days ago this is what I heard:

[Crunch… munch…]

“Man, this salsa is slammin’.”

[Crunch, munch]  “Ummmm.”

“Dude, how did you make this?”

[more crunching] “Ummmm.”

“This is unbelievable.  What’s in this?”

“Dude, This salsa is slammin’!”

[more crunching] “Ummmm.”

[lots more crunching and munching]

“Dude, have you tasted this?  This salsa is unbelievable, it’s totally slammin’!”

Yes, he grew up in the 70’s. And he’s awesome.  And I think he likes my green salsa.  And I sent him home with his very own jar.  And he was happy.

I’ve been thinking of renaming it:  

GREEN slammin salsa

I have never made green salsa before.  It wasn’t even my idea.  I was chatting with one of my friends about all the green tomatoes we saved from the recent frost when she mentioned she might make a batch of salsa with her green tomatoes.

Pick Me!  Oh Yes!  I’m in!  I want to play too!

I had an island covered with an assortment of tomatoes and peppers that just couldn’t wait to become salsa.  

green salsa 2

First, we [tried to] blanch and peel the bushels of green tomatoes.

I do not recommend this approach.  Green tomatoes will not be blanched.  They must be peeled one at a time.  If I were doing this all over again it would be “green tomato salsa with peels.”

Did you know that you can make salsa with tomatoes that have peels on them?  You can. My neighbor never removes her peels and her salsa rocks.  It, however, is not “slammin” because she is not me.

green salsa4

The tomatoes were beautiful.  Most of them were green, but there were a few pink and yellow ones too.  I used them all in the salsa.  I don’t discriminate.
green salsa collage 2

Next, I spent 2 hours chopping… OK, maybe not 2 hours, but it felt like it.

I added all the gorgeous, diced tomatoes, peppers, onions, and garlic to my stock pot.

green salsa Collage4

Then I added the vinegar (raw apple cider vinegar) and salt.

Last, I stirred everything up and tasted it (on a chip of course) to see if the salsa needed anything.

That’s it.  Done.

Green salsa is absolutely, some of the best salsa you will ever eat.

My acid-re-flux prone friends have informed me that green tomato salsa does not inflict the same pain and burning sensations they often experience after enjoying normal (red tomato) salsa.  I have no scientific information or doctor recommended proof – that’s just what they tell me.

Once your salsa is done you have 2 choices:

  1. Transfer it to the refrigerator & eat soon
  2. Can it & eat it all year

I went with option #2.  Now I can eat “Slammin’ Salsa” in January and February, and March.  Yes, Please!
green salsa 10Green tomatoes – you can leave them under your bed to ripen and hope the fruit flies don’t discover them; or, you could make “Slammin’ Salsa.”

I think green salsa is the right choice.

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Green Tomato Salsa
Green salsa is absolutely, some of the best salsa you will ever eat. At the end of the growing season, I always end up with a couple bushels of green tomatoes. This is one of my favorite ways to use them up.
Recipe Notes

Begin with washing, coring and quartering your green tomatoes.  Don't bother trying to blanch or peel them because it won't work and will put you in a bad mood.  Discard most the seeds & juice and let the chickens have 'em.  It's ok if a few seeds make it into the salsa, you just want to get rid of as many as you can (they will make the salsa bitter).

Use a food processor to dice up the tomatoes, peppers, onions and garlic.  Be sure to mince the garlic and hot peppers very fine.

Combine all ingredients in a large sauce-pot.  Bring to a boil.  Remove from heat.  Ladle hot salsa into hot jars, leaving 1/4″ headspace.  Adjust 2-piece caps.  Process 15 mins in a boiling-water canner.

Disclaimer:  Always follow directions specific to your equipment and elevation for canning.  Dispose of any home canned goods that show signs of spoilage which can include: bulging lids, leaking, corrosion, cloudy, mushy, moldy foods or disagreeable odors.

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