When it’s Your Birthday…

When it’s Your Birthday…

There is a Birthday Girl in the house.  Look who’s 11!

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Why this is one of the most charming children you will ever meet:

  1. She will hiss at you if you make her mad.
  2. She can burp like a truck driver.  She actually beat a 14 year old boy in a burping contest on stage at a church.
  3. She has been completely enamored with Captain America for approximately 3 years.  When asked by her older sister if she has a crush on Captain America she responded,  “I do not have a crush on him- I am going to marry him.”
  4. Captain America is no longer Captain America in this house.  He has affectionately been renamed, “Dear Future Husband.”
  5. She is my 3rd child which means she is a  party waiting to happen, is up for anything, loves when plans change, is impossibly happy all the time and would be your favorite.
  6. She invented the only word in the English Language that doesn’t have a vowel:  Frrt.  “Frrt,” is her stuffed ferret whom she takes everywhere.  She would love to have a real live ferret someday.  It could happen, after all, what’s one more animal when you have 75?

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It’s hard to believe my baby girl is 11!  Yesterday she was just a tiny ballerina!

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They just grow up so fast…
ak bday 10Happy Birthday Cutie – Mommy loves you!

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