
A virus is sweeping the world and life is shutting down by the minute.  Sports, schools, gyms, businesses; one by one doors are closing.

And the world is running out of toilet paper.  Which is so funny to me.  It’s an upper respiratory infection, it is not intestinal.

I don’t know about your neck of the woods, but here in Kentucky, the world has gone haywire.  Everyone has visited their local supermarket and emptied the shelves of water, meat, eggs, bread and milk, and toilet paper.

It’s cra-cra.

There has never been a better time to be a homesteader.

As the world scrambles and spends a small fortune emptying the grocery shelves, we are sipping our coffee, milking our cows, and thawing beef for dinner.


There are those of us who devoted hours of our life last summer (and fall) making sure our shelves were stocked for this sort of emergency.

I don’t need to run to the store.  I don’t need to stock up.  I don’t really NEED to do anything.

But, it is not just about being stocked up in case of emergency.

We all know that for $500 you can buy a pallet of food that will last your family for years.


Where us “homesteaders” differ would be how we KNOW HOW to sustain.

I may have 200 pounds of wheat berries in my basement and 4 freezers full of food, but I also know how to produce food…

  • I know how to milk my cow who provides butter, milk, cream, and dairy products daily.
  • The bull is in the field ready to breed the cows
  • The coop is filled with hens providing our daily eggs.
  • The spring garden is planted.
  • The Berkey provides endless drinking water.
  • The woods are alive with deer, squirrel, dove, berries, and other tasty things.

We could literally lock ourselves on our homestead and live.  This is the homesteader’s provision.

If all the stores closed and the world stopped, we can keep going.

We know how to hunt.  We know how to raise livestock.   We know how to milk a cow.  We know how to make butter.  We know how to grow groceries.  We know how to make bread with fresh wheat berries.

Shelves are bare you say?

No meat in the stores?

Restaurants are closing?

No problem.

We homesteaders were built for this day.

If you are ready to leave the chaos and join the ranks of self-sustainers – be sure to check out our homestead.  We are relocating our operation and our current farm IS FOR SALESee it HERE.  It is a turn-key operation located in beautiful Kentucky.


Since schools are closing, many are redirecting to an online classroom style.  Students will be taught and expected to perform and learn at home.

Hello, homeschooling!

We have been at this homeschool thing for years, fifteen to be exact, so this ‘new’ arrangement for learning is nothing new to homeschool families around the country.

And a word of encouragement to any of you who have never formally “homeschooled” your children and are a little intimidated by this new approach to learning.

Have you ever helped your children with their homework?

Yeah, that’s homeschooling.

You got this.


Another interesting aspect to this quarantine situation that is a little amusing is the sheer amount of unsolicited ‘family time’ people are about to experience.

How much do you like your family? 

Well, we are all about to find out.  If you would like to know how well your children do at “loving others” or being “others-focused,” there is nothing like locking all your children in a house together for an extended period of time to see how they are doing in this department.

Corona Virus – I am not afraid.

I serve a GREAT BIG GOD. And HE is bigger.  He is faithful.

I saw this on my Insta-feed today:

2 Timothy 1:7

“For God has not give n us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline. ”

Stay safe everyone.




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  1. Pea Proffitt

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