There’s A Duck On My Couch

There’s A Duck On My Couch

There is a duck in my house.  It may seem odd that we have a duck running loose in our home.

When I hear about people who have chickens wearing diapers running around inside their homes I tend to think they are freaks.  No offense if you have a chicken running around in your home in a diaper.  I get it now.  I have joined freak-ville.

I got a duck.

ping 1

He’s on my couch.


He’s in my living room.


He’s wearing a diaper.


He’s snuggling in my daughter’s arms.

ping11He’s in the middle of our homeschool table (which is quite distracting).  


Sophie is not sure what to think about him…….


She is usually the only critter on the table when we are doing school work.


Friend or foe………………………….


or food?


He follows my daughter around the house.


and waits for her to pick him up.


He thinks she is his mommy.

You should get a duck.

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