Short Dog

Short Dog

I make it no secret that I am not really a dog person.  I love cats.  I love cows.  I like my little, short dog.   Really, I do like him & am grateful for him and he makes our lives better – but “Love” is not the word.  I think I am the only person I know that doesn’t love dogs.  I want to love dogs.  I feel like a jerk for not loving dogs.  But, I still just don’t love them.  Sorry.

If you want to read more about my unaffection toward canines go here and here.  
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I guess I’m a cat person.

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I have a special specimen of dog.

He is some variety of basset-mix.  We adopted him from Basset Rescue.  He is a sweetie (for a dog) and does a great job of keeping the coyotes away from our chickens.

duke legs

He has a 12 inch face and 6 inch legs.

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and his eyes always look like they are about to pop out of his head….

Which makes him pretty unfortunate looking.

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DH and the kids adore our short dog.

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We call him “short dog” all the time.

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Because, he’s short.

Poor short dog.

By the way, this is the ‘shortest’ post I’ve ever written.

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