Benedictine BLT

Benedictine BLT

Benedictine BLT

Have you ever eaten benedictine?  Have you ever heard of  benedictine?

No, it’s not a medication, a country or disease.  It’s a spread.

It’s actually a cucumber-cream cheese spread.

And it’s wonderful.

Especially if it’s on a sandwich that includes bacon, lettuce and tomato.

You’re gonna love this one.

Benedictine is a fast, easy spread to make and it is great on sandwiches, crackers, bread and spoons.

Mine has 4 ingredients:

  • Cucumber
  • Cream Cheese
  • Salt
  • Garlic salt

First, set out 8 oz cream cheese to soften.
benedictine 6

Begin by shredding a couple cucumbers with your grater.  You only want the “meat” of the cukes – not the seeds or membrane slimey stuff in the center.  You could peel your cucumbers first, but I just grate the peel up with the rest of the cuke.  Mine are homegrown, so I’m not eating any wax.

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See how pretty it is with the outer “skin” intact.  Now we need to remove some of the water from this shredded cucumber.  If I were to add this cuke (juice and all) to my cream cheese I will end up with a runny, gooey mess.  I want a thick spread, not a slimey goo.

To encourage the cucumber to release all the liquid it is holding, just sprinkle on a bit of salt (about 1/2 teaspoon).

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Toss the salt around to mix & leave in the colander to drain for a few minutes.

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Squeeze out all the liquid & add the shredded cuke to the cream cheese.

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Use a mixer to combine.  Add garlic salt to taste.

It’s done.

This is the fun part.

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You could be normal and smear it all over a toasted bagel…….


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Make a benedictine sandwich & shove it in your face


Grab some toasted bread….. or untoasted.  Depending on how you like your BLTs.

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First slather the bottom slice generously with your fresh benedictine.  Top with bacon, tomato & lettuce.  Put the lid on & prepare to be enlightened.

benedictine 3My oh My.  This is the only way to eat a BLT.

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Benedictine BLT
Benedictine is a fast, easy spread to make. The cucumber gives it a garden fresh flavor. It is great on sandwiches, crackers, bread and spoons.
Course Main Dish
Course Main Dish
Recipe Notes

Grate meat of the cucumbers (no seeds & slime) into colander.  Add 1/2 teaspoon salt to grated cuke & mix to coat.  Let drain for 5 minutes.  Squeeze out any remaining juice & add grated cucumber to softened cream cheese.  Mix with electric mixer.  Add garlic salt to taste.  Enjoy!

For an out of this world lunch (or dinner).  Toast 2 Slices of bread.  Slather with some benedictine.  Top with Bacon, Lettuce & Tomato.  Add the top slice of toast & have at it.

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