I asked my Aunt what she was going to do with all the turkey bones.
She said she was throwing them away.
She said she was throwing them away.
Throwing away the bones from 4 Organic Turkeys?!
That’s Blasphemy!
I couldn’t let these healthy, incredible, organic bones end up in the garbage…
I asked if I could have them.
She said, “Yes.”
I won the Turkey Lottery.
You may have a left-over turkey from Thanksgiving.
You may have one after Christmas.
Whether it’s baked, smoked, or fried, if you happened to be the lucky person who took home the slaughtered carcass from a miscellaneous turkey dinner……..
Don’t give it to the chickens either.
Take the remnants and make some bone-broth. You will be glad you did!
Homemade bone-broths are nothing like the thin, watery stuff sold in cans or cartons at the grocery store. Homemade bone-broths are nutrient rich, full flavored and turn to jello in the refrigerator. Bone-broth is not only super healthy, it is great for cooking vegetables, making soup, making chicken-n-dumplin’s, serving to little ones with runny noses and more!
To read 10 reasons you should make and eat bone-broth go: here.
Consuming bone-broth frequently is an excellent choice. It can heal you. It can keep you well. It can prevent you from getting sick. It can flush out toxins. All the benefits are not even known, as the experts are still discovering more all the time.
Now that we all have turkey carcasses and want to be healthy let’s make some broth!
This recipe will work with any left over poultry.
You do not want to waste a bit of this guy…
Take all the bones, necks, wings, tail, skin, innards, weird-slimy stuff, globby-fatty stuff, juice, ozzy-jelly stuff, anything left from the cooking of the bird that got pushed aside, tossed away, or left in the bottom of the pan. You want it all.
Toss the poultry leftovers, extras and rejects into a giant stock-pot and cover it with filtered water.
After the water I add a couple tablespoons of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. The vinegar will help extract the nutrition from the bones.
Add 4 stalks of celery (leaves, stalks, everything).
Chop 3 onions into 4ths and throw them in too. Peels, tops & all.
A few cloves of garlic add a delicious kick and tremendous health benefits. Garlic is optional. We love it. Just chop it up and toss it into the pot. No need to peel, dice or be picky. Remember, we’re going to strain the broth so it doesn’t matter if you have peels in the pot.
Some carrots would be great too, but I’m out.
This next part is mostly up to your taste. Many folks don’t season the bone-broth at all. I prefer to season mine. I have a giant pot of stock going here, so I added 3 tsp Lawry’s, 2 tsp celery salt, 1 tsp real salt, and 1 tsp pepper.
As it cooks, season to taste.
Bring this to a simmer and reduce heat.
Let this simmer on your stove all day (8-10 hours). You are bringing all the nutrition and minerals from inside those bones into the broth. The longer you simmer this, the better it will be for you.
After simmering the broth for hours and hours and hours, it’s time to strain it.
Just keep straining. Just keep straining. Leave all the cooked-to-death veggies & chicken parts in the pan.
After cooking for 10+ hours it’s amazing what happens to poultry bones. They will literally crumble when you handle them. After cooking all day you will have depleted them of all their nutrition, marrow and strength. They will be so brittle you can mash them between your thumb and finger. What used to be in those bones is now in the broth.
Your broth is now a miracle food.
Toss this into the chicken bowl. They’ll love it.
Here is the bounty.
Actually, this is not all the bounty. I have 4 children who never stop eating or outgrowing their clothes, so there was more, but it is now in some little bodies making them big and strong.
I always label my food before sticking it in the freezer. Adding a date would be good too, except this won’t last longer than a couple weeks in my house, so dates aren’t necessary.
This pitcher of turkey broth is going back into that giant pot. I’m gonna make turkey-&-dumpling’s for my family tonight. YUM!
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Roughly chop onions, carrots, celery, and garlic & add to pot with turkey. Add vinegar & cover with filtered water & seasonings. Bring to simmer. Skim off foam. Simmer 8-10 hours on stove top or in crock-pot. Strain and enjoy or move to storage containers.