I Crashed My Blog & Other News

I Crashed My Blog & Other News

Not that you care…..

BUT, lately I’ve been pouring hours into farmfreshforlife.com refreshing things a bit & make it a little more functional.  It’s a work in progress and will probably take another month before it’s finished.  I’ll be sure to let you know when it’s done & how to find all the new, cool stuff.

In other news……

I managed to crash my blog…. which was lots of fun.

I managed to get it resurrected, thanks to HostGator.

I am now scared of plugins and widgets – it was one of these pesky doodads that killed my website.

I learned that there is more to life than a website.  Duh.

Here’s how the day went:

My day started normally with darkness and quiet.  It was Monday morning and I like to get a post up first thing on Monday’s.  I had an article (blog post) ready to go, but when I went to the backstage part of my site (mine is called the “dashboard”) to post it – my site was gone.

Welllllllll, maybe my dashboard is broken – I’m sure the site is still there.  So, I checked for my site on google:  www.farmfreshforlife.com.  It was Gone.

Uuuuuum…  maybe it’s my computer.  So, I grabbed my phone – guess what – the site still wasn’t there.

About this time children were arising from different parts of the house.  My 16 year old said, “Good morning, Mom.”  I said, “My blog’s gone.”  He jumped on his computer and agreed that it was missing.

This is when we began to question my bill paying skills.  Did I pay the hosting bill?  Did I pay the domain name registration bill?  Was I a bad blogger?  Did I do something wrong?

Nope, all bills were paid.

Sooooooooo, I logged in to my account on my hosting company’s site to look at things there.  Aannnnnnnd my domain name was no longer registered to me.

Blog’s gone.  Domain name gone.  Nothing.  Nada.  Zilch.

Guess what I did next?

You’ll never guess…..

I did what had to be done…

I milked 2 cows.

Then I fed 3 pigs.

Then I strained the milk.

Then I skimmed the milk from yesterday.

Then I welcomed all my sweet kids to the day.

I love that my life doesn’t allow me to sit and stew and freak out and worry.

I just couldn’t drop my life and fix my blog.  Other things needed me.  Other more important things, like 4 sweet kiddos who I have the honor to spend my days with.

I’ll tell you what I did do.  I prayed.  It may seem silly to pray about a blog crashing, but the missing blog was just a distraction that I didn’t need.  I asked God to fix it and most of all give me grace and peace & a happy heart regardless of my circumstances.  And He did.

My 16 year old looked at me at some point during the blogless adventure and said, “If I were you I’d be freaking out.”

Yeah, that seemed appropriate.  But, I didn’t.

“No need to panic.  Just get on with life & milk your cows.  It’s gonna be OK.”

When I got a minute I tried to have an online chat with a support person at HostGator, but that didn’t go so well.  I eventually got a chance to call them & they had everything up and running in 3 minutes.

Problem solved.  Bad Bad Bad plugin.

The kids and I then read some Psalms (6&7) while we ate bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast.  It was a great morning.

Lessons From a Blog Crash

Lesson #1:  Stuff Happens 

What can you do when life crashes down around you?

Psalms 7:17, “I will praise the Lord according to His righteousness, and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.”

The kids and I had a chat about icky things that happen & how we can turn our hearts around with praise.  We can focus on all that’s going wrong, or we can focus on all our blessings.  We chose.

Lesson #2:  Milk Cows are Better than Therapists

It never fails.  I can wake up in a funk.  I can wake up defeated.  I can wake up grouchy.  Once I make the walk up to the cow barn and call in my first lady (Rosie) to be milked the worries of the world melt away.

I sing.  I pray.  I praise.

I don’t know what it is about my time in the milk barn, but it is precious.  I know some people have “prayer closets.”  I have a prayer barn.  It is my go to place if I need quiet, peace and to be alone with God.

Lesson #3:  I Have NO IDEA What I am doing

If you thought I knew something about blogging, computers or was in any way a geek – let me set the record straight.  I don’t..   I know a little about homesteading thanks to the school of hard knocks (mostly what NOT to do) LOL.  I know just about nothing about blogging.

I am thankful for all of you who have grace for me.  You are so encouraging and wonderful.  I appreciate all of you who take the time to visit, to read and to spend a little of your life around this neck of the blogosphere.

I love homesteading.  I love sharing my life with you.  I will continue to struggle through the details as I go.

I’ll do my best to not crash the blog anymore – but no promises.

Sending out love!


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8 Responses

  1. Jeannettea
    • Candi
  2. jean gindorff
  3. Tracy
  4. Bobbi
    • Candi

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