The Best Part About Homeschooling

The Best Part About Homeschooling

The best part about homeschooling is summer.

Can I say that?

Is summer actually a part of homeschooling?  Probably not.  But it’s still my favorite part.

I am pretty sure that no one in my house is as happy as I am that summer break is upon us.

As a homeschooling mom, I work just as hard (probably harder) than my children do during the school year.  For more about our homeschool go here.

The kids just have to complete their work.  I have to teach, guide, instruct, assign, grade, and kick 4 butts if they aren’t doing what they are supposed to be doing.  Busy.

I am a busy girl during the school year.  When a break comes (Thanksgiving, Christmas, SUMMER!!!) I am getting my party on, my friends!

We wrapped up our last week of the year, took final exams, gave each other high-fives, and ate cookies.  Then we mustered up the courage to conquer the “homeschool closet.”

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This is what it looked like.  We have 4 children working, drawing, creating, reading, and being educated in our home……… There are going to be some supplies.

Books, play-doh, crayons, markers, color pencils, paper, pens, white boards, clay, workbooks, notebooks, journals, syllabuses, book bags, science beakers, specimens, dissection tools, microscopes, bunson burners, magnifying glasses, scissors, protractors, compasses, stamps, ink, shrinky-dinks and all sorts of other wonderful things are necessary to educate children.  At least, in our classroom they are necessary (wink).

You knew this right?homeschool 3

Well, I really like organization.  It does not come naturally to me, however, I like things neat and tidy.  I try to put forth the effort to be organized.  My 4 children do not share my desire for tidiness and order.

Yup.  I’m going to blame this mess on them.  All their fault.


The good news is…….. if I am completely honest……. the good news is that I will not have to reorganize this mess alone.  I have a daughter who is GIFTED in organizing.

Not only does it come extremely naturally to her, it fills her cup, if you know what I mean.  Her cup overfloweth.  Her cup runneth over.  She is giddy with joy and happiness because she is operating in her strength.

Happy happy girl.

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Which makes me a happy, happy mommy because my homeschool closet looks like this now.

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My personal organizer (who is 13) and I got this licked in no time.

Here’s the before and after:

homeschool beforeafter

YEA!  Clean and organized.  I love my big girl!

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