GROW YOUR OWN ORGANIC GARDENING FALL GARDEN (1) Planning & Planting the Fall Garden (Premium)

GROW YOUR OWN ORGANIC GARDENING FALL GARDEN (1) Planning & Planting the Fall Garden (Premium)

Grow Your Own
Organic Gardening
Planning & Planting the Fall Garden
Can I tell you how ridiculously joyful it makes me to plant the fall garden?

I LOVE cool-season gardens.

  1. They are easy.
  2. They don't have as many pests and diseases.
  3. They don't require as much work.

Cole crops make me a happy camper.

Before you grab your trowel and crocs, do a little dreaming-

  • What are your goals?
  • What would you like to grow this fall?
  • What . . .

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