Food Blogging – 3 BIG Things – Whether You’re the Blogger, The Baker or The Eater

Food Blogging – 3 BIG Things – Whether You’re the Blogger, The Baker or The Eater


3 BIG Things About Food Blogging

Blogging out recipes is not for everyone.  Writing about gardens, cows and fencing doesn’t require the same attention to detail that recipe instruction does.

There is so much at stake when you publish recipes.  People are trusting your measurements to be accurate.  They are trusting your description to taste as good as it sounds (and looks).  They are putting their hard-earned veggies, meat or money (or all 3) into your advice.  It is humbling and a bit stressful.

I want the food I put on my blog to be as much a success in other kitchens as it is in mine.  I want your family to love the homemade food as much as we do.

There are all sorts of reasons for recipe fails.  I’ve made recipes from trusted websites, from beloved cookbooks and cherished friends only to have it breakdown somewhere in my kitchen.  It happens.

As I wade through the waters of food blogging and recipe instruction I have stumbled, learned and come to a point of fear and trembling whenever I post a recipe.

Here’s 3 Notable Observations/ Random Thoughts / Warnings About Food Blogging:

#1:  Details

I want to give you details about cooking.  Not just how much butter to add to the pan sauce, but why you are adding the butter to begin with.

I know I learn best and retain knowledge when I understand the “why” behind the “what.”


#2:  I Cook Differently

Fresh ground flour, home-rendered lard, raw dairy products, real smoked bacon and fresh dug potatoes don’t act the same as the stuff from the supermarket when you cook with them.

I don’t expect my casseroles to taste like white flour and cream of mushroom soup.  I expect hearty, wheaty, health-filled garden goodness. Farm fresh, real food is my goal.  I want to put nutritionally packed organic foods in my body.  I grow most of it.  When the goal of cooking and eating is to fuel your body, the food is going to be different.

It’s different.  Yes, I have some recipes on the blog that are tremendous treats , but most of the foods you’ll find around here are going to be good for you as well as tasty.  🙂

#3:  If I post a recipe there’s a reason

My main goal posting recipes is to teach, encourage, help and support others, like me, who want to grow their own food.  The majority of my topics are going to be on

  1. Gardening (growing your own food)
  2. Livestock (raising your own meat)
  3. Preservation – canning, freezing, storing the goods
  4. And life on the farm

Part of growing/ raising your own food is preparing it for the table.  Cooking is part of the process – but it’s just a small piece.  Because of this, I probably will always include some recipes and cooking.

Recipes are not always “the tastiest way to eat something.”  Sometimes they are fresh.  Sometimes they are raw.  Sometimes they are fast.  Sometimes they are farm to table.  Sometimes they are just a decent way to eat something terrible (like turnips).  Ya’ know?

I’ve never found a turnip or sweet potato recipe that was worth eating.  But I ate them anyway.  It wasn’t necessarily a bad recipe – it was a disgusting food that can’t be helped.  These things happen.

I eat to live.  I don’t live to eat.

Food blogging is a challenge and an adventure.  \

I’m learning.  I’m growing.  I’m teachable.  If you guys have any trouble or questions making any of the goods on this site let me know.  Likewise, it you love it, leave a comment.  Your feedback is valuable and welcomed!

If you haven’t already, signed up to get (free) weekly updates you should!  Go HERE to get fun & adventures sent directly to your inbox.

To get access to dozens more great (real food) recipes you should consider a membership.  You’ll also learn more about home bread-making, see instructional videos and get the eBook (Raising Backyard Pigs for Pork or Profit) free if you decide to join.

Love to Y’all!



6 Responses

  1. Blue Ridge Booch
    • Candi
  2. Blue Ridge Booch
  3. Christina
    • Candi
  4. Kin

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