Eat Clean – Stay Lean

Eat Clean – Stay Lean

Clean Eating

“Clean eating” is on the rise and giving “Healthy Eating” a run for its money.

Eating clean is not a fad diet.  It isn’t a plan or an avoidance of certain food groups.

Clean eating is simple to do and will make you feel and look great.

Clean eating is defined differently by different groups.  At the base of it all, clean eating is an effort to eat whole foods that were raised/grown as naturally as possible with as little processing as possible.

Nuts from the tree, plants from the ground, meat from the pasture, fish from the ocean and bread from the kitchen are all foods that would be a part of a clean-eating plan.

Clean eaters avoid foods that come from factories and drive-thrus.

Food Tips:

  • If it comes from a box – it’s not food.
  • If you can’t pronounce the ingredients – it’s not food.
  • If it comes through your car window – it’s not food.

The minute you stop consuming processed foods and replace them with fresh fruit and vegetables there is an immediate increase in the number of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in your diet.

You will consume more fiber and antioxidants.

Ditching processed foods will lower your sodium intake, pesticides, preservatives, insecticides, and unhealthy fats.

Insecticides and pesticides – Can you even believe that these are a part of our diets?  Gross.

But, it is almost a guarantee, if you are eating food in America, you are eating these.

Homemade Crispy Crackers

Clean eating is such an amazing approach to food.  Clean Eating doesn’t limit categories or foods from your plate.  You can eat anything your heart desires – it just must be whole and clean.

For example – Craving Pot Roast and Mashed Potatoes?

Great!  Pick up a grass-fed pot roast, and some veggies from the farmer’s market.

Want a Juicy pub burger?  Use healthy ground beef and bake some sweet potatoes.

Want a soft bun to go with that burger?  Make some quick buns.

You can enjoy fresh-baked bread every day.  This is one of the taboo foods that is removed from most “healthy” diet plans.  Whole grains are so important to your health.  They remove toxins.  They keep you regular.  They fill you up.  They provide protein and over 40 vitamins and minerals.  Whole-grain, bread made with fresh-milled flour is almost a perfect food that can sustain life.

Clean eating is not restrictive and won’t leave you hungry

Before processed foods were a thing, most of our country was eating clean.  They bought fresh-milled flour from the mill and baked whole wheat bread in their kitchen.  They ate meat and vegetables from local farms.  They ate real sugar and maple syrup from trees.  They enjoyed raw milk and churned butter.

And they were thinner and had a lower incidence of chronic diseases than we do.

SIDE NOTE:  I know that life back then was no picnic and they dealt with many diseases we do not suffer from today.  At the same time, diabetes, heart disease and many of our modern health crises are largely due to diet.

Benefits of Clean Eating

  1. Whole foods fight many diseases and inflammation
  2. Optimize your metabolism
  3. Look and feel better – yes, clean, whole foods will keep you slimmer and have you feeling lighter
  4. Provide more energy
  5. Boost your immune system – clean foods filled with vitamins and antioxidants are powerful.  These nutrients can help stop inflammation and support a healthy gut
  6. It is better for the farmers and the environment
  7. Clean eating will make you happy.  I feel like I could offer you a money-back guarantee here.  If you fully commit and ditch all the processed foods – you are going to have a serious ripple effect.  First, you will slim down.  Your belly will flatten.  You will have more energy.  Eventually, you will begin to glow and people will notice.  Something about being slimmer and glowy creates joy.

What I love about it

I often call this “Clean” method of eating “The Farmer’s Diet.”

I eat everything I grow and I grow most of what I eat.  I eat whatever I want (as long as it comes from my hands) and it is a fantastic way to live.

  • It is not a diet
  • No counting calories
  • No tracking fat – good fat is healthy, by the way [things like: raw butter, pastured lard, rendered tallow, organic bacon grease]

You can Eat Clean.

It is a lifestyle you can choose whether you grow a garden or live in an apartment.  If you don’t have space (or the desire) to grow food, simply find clean sources to purchase from.

Eat when you are hungry.

Eat clean (real) food.

Feel better & enjoy life!

Do you want to be healthier?

Do you want to feel better and have more energy?

Do you want to make a change that is easy?

Are you tired of yo-yo dieting?

There is another way

You can change the way you approach food for good.  You can eat this way forever and not feel deprived.

I have been eating clean for years and I’d be happy to show you how I do it.  I never set out to lose weight on my journey – but I did.  I feel so much better.  I am healthier.

Even though I am getting older, I feel better than I did 7 years ago.

There is a big world inside this website dedicated to teaching people like you how to eat real food forever.

  • How to grow it (if you want)
  • How to prepare it
  • Access to a collection of the best recipes I’ve ever tasted
  • And step-by-step instructions to making all your bread (including videos)

If you are a skeptic – Let me give you a sneak peek of what is inside the Members Community here at Farm Fresh for Life

What Members Get

  • Once you join you will receive your warm welcome and a link to the WELCOME MEMBERS PAGE. On this page, you will learn how to use your membership and find links to get started.
  • Members easily navigate the Private content from the MEMBERS DASHBOARD. The Dashboard is a launching pad that will give you an “at-a-glance” look at the Premium Content. This is where you will find the Homesteading Videos, Breadmaking Course, Peek Behind the Scenes and much more.
  • FREE eBooks – Members also have access to several Free eBooks and can download them from the link in the dashboard.


Over the first 3 days after you join, you will receive the 3 Step Quick Start Guide. It is a fantastic tool to help jump-start your real-food journey.

It is a series of 3 emails filled with baby steps you can take this week to get started.

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Raw Homesteading

If you are just here for the homesteading – We’ve got you covered.

Members have access to Educational Homesteading Videos, Homesteading Guides, Homesteading Life and dozens of articles dedicated to the true world of raising your own food.

Videos are fun, filled with animals, farm kids and helpful hints.

In addition to all the homesteading gear, premium posts, breadmaking course and recipe collections – members also receive access to the dinner-solving site JUST TELL ME WHAT TO COOK.


  • JustTellMeWhatToCook – In addition to all the Premium Content on Farm Fresh for Life, Members also have full access to this exclusive, real-food, site all about getting farm-fresh food onto the dinner table.
  • This Fantastic resource will provide recipe-free meals for busy lives.  Menu plans that take the stress out of dinner.  And more!
  • MEMBERS get access to all the Healthy Breadmaking Videos – If you have been dreaming crafting homemade bread that will nourish and treat your family – This 9-module Breadmaking Course will show you how.
  • Recipe Search – There is a tremendous Pinterest-style recipe search available to members. This resource is fantastic for deciding what to cook!
  • Recipes & Private Premium Posts- The minute a Member joins he/she has instant access to over 400 private recipes and posts.

The MEMBERS Content is BETTER (and bigger) than ever. This means that the return on investment has never been higher. The price is the same, but there are more videos, more private posts and hundreds of crave-worthy recipes at your fingertips.

There has never been a better time to join!





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