Easy, DIY Christmas Gifts from Scrap Wood

Easy, DIY Christmas Gifts from Scrap Wood

I love Homemade Gifts.

If you have some time this weekend, some paint and some scrap wood – you can make these!

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Homemade gifts are thoughtful, beautiful, one of a kind, and usually on the Cheap.

I am a big DIY girl so I have an arsenal of DIY Gift ideas.  I don’t just craft at Christmastime.  If there is a project in process I am a happy girl.  I love creating, painting, art and anything crafty.

We live in a world of commercialism and materialism. I really don’t want you to buy me a Christmas Present.  All the shopping, traffic, commercialism, nonsense, expense, and there’s the whole,  “What on earth should I get her (or him)” factor.

Ugh.  I’m exhausted thinking about it.

If you want to skip the shopping chaos and make a treasure this year – I have some ideas.

I am going to share a few of my favorite DIY Christmas give ideas that are made out of wood.

Some of these are so simple you can do them in an afternoon.  For the extreme-crafters out there, I have included some advanced ideas as well.

The great thing about homemade Christmas gifts:

  1. They can be very simple and easy to create
  2. They are practically free (especially if you hoard scrap wood)
  3. If you craft with your kids, making the gifts is a fun family activity (since I have 4 kids, I never craft alone)
  4. You can customize your gifts for the person you are giving them to

These homemade gifts are super easy and practically free.  Especially if you have a friend about to push a barn over and burn it. When there is old barn wood about to be sacrificed I will be their savior.  Got wood? Call me!  I’ll take it.

There happens to be a collection of scrap wood stacked in the corner of our barn.  That collection contains a lot of odd’s and ends and lots old barn wood.

You can call it “up-cycling”, “re-cycling”, or just grabbing something out of the scrap pile & making it into something beautiful.  Whatever you call it, I love it.


Some of my favorite gifts are signs.

Signs are a unique addition to your home, porch, barn or farm. Instead of hanging pictures only, a mixture of pictures, collectibles and signs make a decor more interesting and personal.

The sky is the limit when it comes to making signs for the people you love.

If you have some old wood and some paint, you can make signs.  They are adorable, fun, personal and practically free to make!

I have made signs from old barn wood for almost everyone I know.

To make a sign like this one that says “JOY” go HERE.

I love to personalize the sign for whomever is receiving it.  They have been fun to make and loved by all.

To make a sign like this one go HERE.

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For more great sign ideas go HERE.


Another great homemade gift is stackers.  I did not invent stackers, I just make them.

They are so easy to make and so precious. Below are a few of my favorite that you too can make for your loved ones this Christmas.

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To make this Merry Christmas stacker go HERE.

It is sooooo cute and all you need is some wood, scrapbooking paper, glue and paint.

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To make this Joy To The World stacker go HERE.

This one only uses 2×4’s and takes no time at all.  The end result is adorable.

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This stacker is another easy one. Go HERE to make it.

#3 HOMEMADE CHRISTMAS GIFT:  Simple Wooden Nativity

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To make this sweet Nativity go HERE.

This simple Nativity is cherished in our home.  My children have all made one.  If you know how to use a hot glue gun, this will be a cinch.


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Believe it or not, these “candles” are just 4 X 4’s that have a hole drilled in the top for a tea candle.  Aren’t they awesome!

Go HERE to make one.

#5 HOMEMADE CHRISTMAS GIFT:  Simple Wood Christmas Tree

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Super simple Christmas tree idea.  If you have a circular saw and some 1 x 2’s you can make this in under an hour.  Precious!

#6 HOMEMADE CHRISTMAS GIFT: Stunning Christmas Banner

This is one of the most cherished Christmas Decorations in our home.  Is is a 7 foot long banner.  It hangs above a 9 foot sliding door in our dining area and announces the meaning of Christmas for all to see.

It never feels like Christmas is here until this sign appears.

Go HERE to make your own Christmas Banner.

Visit farmfreshforlife.com for more homemade gift ideas.  I believe handmade presents say a lot more than, “Merry Christmas.”  They mean so much more.  To make a gift takes time, effort, creativity and hard work.  To receive a handmade gift lets the receiver know how much they mean to you.

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Merry Christmas!




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