Don’t Let me go to Tractor Supply

Don’t Let me go to Tractor Supply

It’s the first day of spring!  Yippee!

If it wasn’t raining, I’d be in my garden celebrating.  But it is raining, so I’m indoors, writing on my blog, confessing that I have a baby-chick problem.

I went to Tractor Supply …….again.

They had baby chicks …….again.

I bought baby chicks …….again.


The cute guy in this picture is not helping my chicken problem.  He’s my son.  He digs chickens.

chicksNeither is the fact that we are friends with the manager.  When she needs to move the current brood out of the store because she has 500 more chicks coming tomorrow – she sells them to us for 75 cents each.

I don’t even want to confess how many chicks we have right now.

Too many.

I figure 1/2 of them are going to be cocks (boys) because we bought straight-run (boys and girls).

On our homestead, that translates into 75 cent chicken dinners.  You can’t get a chicken dinner anywhere for 75 cents.  Especially if it’s organic, farm fresh, free range, pasture raised, antibiotic free, hormone free, no additives, no preservatives – for 75 cents!

I think I need to go back to Tractor Supply tomorrow.

It’s a good thing they were out of ducks, or there’d be a duck on my couch……. again.

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