Christmas Week Exhaustion

Christmas Week Exhaustion

Christmas is officially over.  Whew!

christmas baking Collage

As we were packing up all the Christmas decorations (we do this the day after Christmas because I am a type-A freak & can’t stand to look at the Holly Jolly explosion one day longer).

So, as we were packing up the decor my 13 year old daughter said,  “I’m glad Christmas is over.  It’s exhausting, expensive, and fattening.”

I don’t want Christmas to be exhausting.  I want it to be relaxing,  I don’t want it to be expensive.  I want it to be a blessing.  I don’t want it to be fattening.  OK, maybe the fattening part is fine with me.  We can all eat salad in January.

It made me stop and reflect on Christmas in my house and see what reality is.  It also made me ponder what I can do to make sure Christmas is what Christmas is supposed to be.  A celebration of the one who came to save us.

Here is my current deduction.  It may change as I continue to think about it.  My husband and I opened a new business a few years ago.  He needs me to help him.  God made me to be his help-meet.  So, I help.  It is a blessing and a blast working at the pawnshop.  Especially during Christmas time.  The customers are all in a good mood.  Everyone is shopping for loved ones.  I love spending other people’s money.  And, it’s great for business.   So, it works out good for all of us.  Unless you are one of my children.

If you are one of my children, then your life looks like this the week of Christmas:

  • Go see the nutcracker.
  • Go to the pawnshop.
  • Bake cookies.
  • Go to the pawnshop.
  • Ice the cookies.
  • Back to the pawnshop.
  • Cook breakfast for Christmas Morning.
  • Go to the pawnshop.
  • Go to Bass Pro Shop.
  • Back to the pawnshop.
  • Perform in Christmas Music Recital.
  • Go to Dinner.
  • Go to the pawn shop.
  • Go to a friend’s house.
  • Again to the pawnshop.
  • Go see a movie with Grandma & Grandpa.
  • Back to the pawnshop again.
  • Go to Christmas Eve Service at Church.
  • Go to Aunt and Uncle’s house for Christmas Eve dinner with family.
  • Wake up Christmas morning and sleep for 1 week.

I can’t be home.  So, my kids have 2 choices:  either sit home alone all Christmas week while Mom is at work,  or run around like a chicken with your head cut off.   Who wants to sit at home alone Christmas week?   Not my kids.  So, they chose the chicken route.

They have a blast.  I arrange all sorts of fun things for them to do.  They always have a lot of fun, but it’s a full week.   I can see how it would be exhausting.  Especially when you are home-schooled and usually stay home.  For the person who is energized and fulfilled by staying home – running all around God’s green earth at full speed for a week straight might be a little draining.

This all changes once Christmas Day arrives.  The shop closes.  We sit at home as a family and do family things for a week straight. Things like:  making homemade chocolates, playing card games, doing puzzles, painting, doing crafts, going to the movies, going out to eat, staying up late laughing, and just relaxing.

The week after Christmas around here is like a week at the beach, except there’s no beach.  We just hang close to the house and eat.

Cheers to the week after Christmas!

Love to all!



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