SUCCESS!!!  Who’s Buck is it Anyway?

SUCCESS!!! Who’s Buck is it Anyway?

My husband has been hunting since bow season opened in October.

We have decided that aliens have abducted all the deer in our woods.  3 of my 4 children have been joining him here and there for different hunts.

Last night my man got him a big one!  I am so happy for him.  I am happy for us too because we now have more food.  Healthy, organic, non-GMO, all natural, free-range, acorn eatin’, pasture grazin’, venison!


I’ll warn you, you will see some blood here.  It may be worth seeing the blood to see my youngest child.  He has been on approximately 99% of the hunts with his daddy since October.  He has Buck-fever worse than any 40 year old man on the planet……. and he’s 7.

It’s amazing that these 2 (with a combined total weight of 185) got this big ol’ buck into the back of the truck by themselves.


They managed!

I can not begin to tell you how excited these boys are!

Especially the little one!


He said, “Mom, I got my first Buck!”


He didn’t hold the gun.  He didn’t shoot the gun.  He didn’t touch the trigger.


He just sat in the deer stand.

He’s been sitting in deer stands since October….

so, as far as he’s concerned,


He got his first Buck!


I’m not going to tell him it’s his Daddy’s.

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